Wales becomes Trumpton

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Do you now understand this is incorrect?
No, and I showed you why.
There is no such thing as an exception order.
2. Exceptions to the default 20mph limit for restricted roads
2.1 Principles
2.1.1 In line with the Welsh Government’s aspiration to meet the Stockholm declaration (Para 1.2.3), a 20mph speed limit should be set where pedestrians and/or cyclists and motor vehicles mix in a frequent manner, except where strong evidence exists that higher speeds are safe.

2.1.2 Not all existing 30mph roads will meet this test, and highway authorities should prepare Orders to retain the current speed limit for these roads. These are termed ‘exceptions’ to the default speed limit for restricted roads.

2.1.3 Two principal questions, A and B below, should be considered by highway authorities when deciding whether a 30mph exception should be made:
Oh dear back to posting documents again.

This piece of law is incredibly simple. 3 Types of road.
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I do. Just drove along a road where the lamp posts are <200yards apart and the limit is 30mph.
With 30mph repeaters, a traffic order making it no longer a restricted road as per s84 of the road traffic regulation act?

It’s not a restricted road. Just like a main road with street lights and national speed limit repeaters or 40mph repeaters. Not a restricted road.
Read s84. Traffic order needed as well as repeaters consultation etc.
With 30mph repeaters, a traffic order making it no longer a restricted road as per s84 of the road traffic regulation act?

It’s not a restricted road. Just like a main road with street lights and national speed limit repeaters or 40mph repeaters. Not a restricted road.
"A restricted road is defined by section 82(1) of the Act as a road with “a system of street lighting furnished by means of lamps placed not more than 200 yards apart”."

The lamps are where they always were. It's a restricted road with a traffic order.
there is no such thing. The traffic order makes it an "other road" s84,
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