Wales becomes Trumpton

Would you like me to post the legislation?

There were no exceptions
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Are you going to give me a list of roads that aren’t restricted roads?
Are you going to give me a list of roads that aren’t restricted roads?

"These are termed ‘exceptions’ to the default speed limit for restricted roads."

Do you want to show that all restricted roads which stayed at 30 are now not restricted roads at all?
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That would be good. You have evidence of restricted roads that are still restricted roads but are not subject to the speed limit for restricted roads?
You just squirm at every turn,

People can make their own minds up.
you could have admitted you were wrong or said “I meant 30s. Not restricted roads”.

But you kept digging
you could have admitted you were wrong
I'm not wrong. I have shown you why.

Everything I have posted shows how to apply exemptions to restricted roads. Nowhere does it say, "how to remove the restricted road classification", which is what you are arguing. Strange that.
Are you suggesting in wales there are restricted roads that do not have a 20mph speed limit.

If yes. How are we to know given the law:

Are you suggesting in wales there are restricted roads that do not have a 20mph speed limit.
Yes, by exception. I've shown you how it's done.

2. Exceptions to the default 20mph limit for restricted roads
2.1 Principles
2.1.1 In line with the Welsh Government’s aspiration to meet the Stockholm declaration (Para 1.2.3), a 20mph speed limit should be set where pedestrians and/or cyclists and motor vehicles mix in a frequent manner, except where strong evidence exists that higher speeds are safe.

2.1.2 Not all existing 30mph roads will meet this test, and highway authorities should prepare Orders to retain the current speed limit for these roads. These are termed ‘exceptions’ to the default speed limit for restricted roads.
This is just a document.

As we know. Speed limits are defined in the road traffic regulation act.

I think you are pretending to be stupid rather than admit there were no exceptions to the 20mph speed limit imposed on all restricted roads.

If there were the above law, would include it.
This is just a document.
Why go on about exemptions by order for restricted roads if what you arguing is correct. Just declassify as a restricted road and you change the speed limit. No document, anywhere, says that. For good reason.

Can you show any road which was restricted, but now isn't because the 30 limit remained in place? A traffic authority can direct that, there must be hundreds of written orders to that effect if you are correct?
Finally. You get it. Yes that’s exactly what has to happen. S84 road traffic regulation act.

We have 3 types of roads.

restricted roads
Derestricted roads
Other roads

You cannot have a restricted road with a different speed limit. How confusing would that be.
Yes that’s exactly what has to happen.
That's why I said it.

Go on them, post some orders removing the restricted classification so as to reinstate the 30 limit in Wales.

Why did the government go off on a tangent about exception orders when, if you are correct, they weren't required?
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