Warranty boiler service


9 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
Two years ago we bought a new Worcester-Bosch boiler. Yes, I know, several members will now assure me that they are crap and there are much better ones out there!

Actually, it has been faultless!

However, it is now time for its second annual warranty service. The installers did the first one, last year, but they are really quite expensive and I'm considering asking someone else to do the service this year.

What I'd like to know is, can I ask any Gas Safe registered boiler technician to service the boiler (at a cheaper cost) and will that service be honoured by W-B should any components fail before the five-year warranty is up?

I have emailed W-B with this question, but they don't seem to be in any rush to respond.

The boiler will be two years old on 28 March, and I'd like to get the service done soon.

Many thanks for any advice.
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Yes, anyone registered can do it.

At such a young age there should be little to do...it's more of visual checks for safety/leaks and adjustment.
If it's a sealed system make sure the system pressure is dropped and the expansion vessel pressure checked.
Apart from that the condensate trap might need a clean and the combustion tweaked.

I always recommend at 5 yearly intervals that in addition the burner seals/electrodes etc. are replaced and the main heat exchanger is thoroughly cleaned out...ie. it's a more expensive service.

How much are they charging?
Thanks for your reply, Gasguru.

The gentleman I shall probably ask, I spoke to last year when he did a small job for us (an external water tap) and he said he could do it for about £50. That's half of what the installer company would charge.

Should I ask him for some documentary evidence of the service he does, in case W-B should quibble in future if any component fails?
I was wondering the same thing when mine is due. Is it just a matter of a Gas Safe registered person servicing it, signing the service record and adding his gas safe registration number or is there any other documentation required?

With some car warranties, just a stamp in the book is not good enough, some insist on a VAT registered invoice.
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I was wondering the same thing when mine is due. Is it just a matter of a Gas Safe registered person servicing it, signing the service record and adding his gas safe registration number or is there any other documentation required?

With some car warranties, just a stamp in the book is not good enough, some insist on a VAT registered invoice.
I'd like to know the same, and am still awaiting a definitive response from W-B.
You just need the back of the manual service schedule filled in.
Always get a proper invoice...I actually mention all aspects of a service eg. bleed rads, re-charge vessel, clean trap etc. It's for my benefit as much as the customers.
I've mentioned the main points of a service...there are legal minimum requirements for checks.
Unless you're installing or are a large business you're unlikely to be VAT registered and that keeps the cost down too.
Thanks, Gasguru.

I've made a full list of what you suggested:

Visual checks for safety/leaks and adjustment
Make sure the system pressure is dropped and the expansion vessel pressure checked
The condensate trap might need a clean
Combustion tweaked if necessary

Get a proper invoice
The back of the manual service schedule filled in

and I'll mention these to the gentleman when I see him.
I'll also ask whether he'll clean the Magnaclean too, although I suppose I could do that myself.
Interviewing an engineer for a boiler service is likely to be very annoying
I'd say that depends on how you say it.
I'll just politely ask what he does in these boiler services. Hardly an 'interview'.

(Er, who's Ron Swanson?)
A god amongst men. Look him up on YouTube

Never heard of him. Nothing special, reading his details on Wikipedia.

Servicing is not rocket science, making the preamble longer than task is going to annoying to most.

It may not be rocket science, but it is to me. I think to be qualified as Gas Safe registered must be part-way to becoming a rocket scientist!
I'd say your existing engineer isn't ripping you off the other one is doing it very cheaply. When you get a poke and go service for years then the boiler breaks down and WB take a few days to come out you'll be lucky if the cheapo guy will come round and see if he can resolve your problem.

Personally I'd rather have an ongoing relationship with a decent company then shop around based on price. If all you really want is the book signed just do it yourself and save all the money...........
Worcester only ask that it’s serviced by any gas safe registered engineer. Once it is done ring or Email Worcester and they will pop it on record.

There is servicing and servicing. I could spend 10 mins on your boiler and charge you £50 or spend an hour and charge £80. Don’t look just at price it’s a flawed argument. Look at reliability, flexibility etc etc
I have now had a telephone response from W-B, who confirm what boilerdoktor said: that it can be serviced by any Gas Safe registered engineer. The chap who I spoke with came across as quite easy going on that matter and, as long as the service record is completed all will be well.

I have thought about the matter I have raised and have come to realise that, for peace of mind, I should go with the company who installed the boiler, as some have suggested I do. They did a good job at a reasonable price and, when we had the previous boiler which was quite old and was regularly problematic, they always honoured the maintenance contract I had with them and, in fact, replaced so many components over the years that I certainly got good value for money!

So I have arranged for a warranty service with them for £102, even though this is twice what the local boiler engineer offered. He, incidentally, received many recommendations on the local Facebook pages, so was no doubt reliable and competent.

On the other hand, the £102 compares favourably with the price the W-B representative mentioned: £126.

Thank you all who contributed for your advice, very gratefully received.

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