Was Bin laden responsible for the 9/11 attack?

You might have to look in the mirror to clean all that egg off your face bubba. It must be hard for you, believing every thing you read in the sun.

Do you honestly think that Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and others at the top would sanction something that bad, that was so certain to be exposed?

Scousers don't read the sun........besides, it's ragarsed papers like the sun that give credence to ridiculous conspiracy theories....
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Who will ever know the truth when you venture into the world of smoke and mirrors. As a regular visitor to the USA, I know that being a Conspiracy Theorist there is a lucrative business. Watched a documentary one night and one of the above mentioned said " You supply the event and we will supply the conspiracy." :LOL:
As a regular visitor to the USA, I know that being a Conspiracy Theorist there is a lucrative business.

And there is the nub of it.

But it only happens because there are so many idiots around.
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You really are a foul little boy arnt you.

Perhaps I am.....that's irrelevant to your argument though, which has well and truly gone down in flames....just like those planes the arabs hijacked.

You might have to look in the mirror to clean all that egg off your face bubba. It must be hard for you, believing every thing you read in the sun.

Yes, argument. But if you want to be pedantic we'll call it your theory...
and yes, I have noticed that you have been noncommittal about this from the start, but by starting this thread and placing the links which you describe in your "non committal" way as "interesting" you have associated yourself with whatever conspiracy theory was stated in that film. That's good enough for me to call it "your theory".
As Harry Hill would say,, "There's only one way to settle this,,,,,,,,,,,,, FIGHHHHHHHHHHTTTTT." :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
FWIW, I don't believe the conspiracy theorists. They show the way that the towers collapsed as being caused by demolition explosives, but do not take into account the fact that an upright structure of that size could only collapse one way,,, straight down.
The only way it could have ever collapsed to one side would have been by removal of at least half of the ground floor supports , all off one side.
The saudi's are just putting the finishing touches to this little whopper. 600 metres tall and built by the Bin Ladin construction company no less. It's got by far the biggest clockfaces in the world, though a rogue american pilot might describe them as the biggest bullseyes. Just before he put one of those smart bombs straight through the middle with a note attached saying, "that's how you blow up a fckn building".

Should that ever happen, will the conspiracy theorists reckon it was the Saudi Government that ordered it? Somehow, I don't think so. ;)
To be quite honest I don't know what to think.

I could say yes.

But, then looking at the conspiracy files, there are a lot of points raised that could make anyone think otherwise.

'Loose Change' brings out into the light and analyzes all the conspiracies and events to do with the disaster. And interviews survivers who witnessed the events first hand.
All governments lie, what's new? There's a big difference between lying about something after the event, and planning and perpetrating an act of war against your own countrymen.
namsag, in the link you have provided, they reckon the picture could have been photoshopped (badly). Who's to say that it wasn't photoshopped before they put it on their site? After all, conspiracy theorists could doctor evidence to back up their own claims.
Another thing these conspiracy theorists don't take into account is if it had been planned by Americans, they could have done it in the middle of the night when the buildings were empty. Not on a busy weekday morning when they were full. After all how would the "planners" know that none of their friends or relations would be in them.........unless of course they told all their friends and relations to steer clear of lower manhatten on such a day at such a time....hmmm maybe were onto something here. :LOL: :LOL:
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