What have you been doing today?

A lovely sunny walk this morning. It was warm enough for the dogs to have a little splash around and cool off.

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I’ve been over the allotment this morning, digging trenches and filling with rotted compost and then planting a dozen asparagus crowns. Should have done that three seasons ago when I first got the plot as it takes two or three years before the first harvest. Gotta do the same with some horseradish.
Our first two spears of the season have appeared:)
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Picked my new tyres, went for ride, got puncture, tyres & new tubes now on bike
Do you carry spares when you go out? I have a tiny little pouch under my seat and I’ve managed to squeeze in a puncture kit, a new tube, a new chain, some gloves, some tools and a mini pump. Mind you, if I had any problems I probably wouldn’t be more than 5 miles from home so I’d phone mrs Mottie and beg for recovery - as I did when my chain snapped!
Yes same as you, did a roadside repair today, but expanded to a rack and top pannier as I often buy eggs and take my monocular for spying on people, I mean bird watching
Yes same as you, did a roadside repair today, but expanded to a rack and top pannier as I often buy eggs and take my monocular for spying on people, I mean bird watching
Lol. I also have a monocular in my 'man bag' that I take on my dog walks, also for looking at birds.
Took my mums dog out with the big dogs today over the country park and she promptly did a roll in the freshest, sloppiest cow pat over there! Gave her a blast with the karcher before putting her in the car and a good shampooing when we got home.
Filled the Mexican Hat bird bath after extensive renovations & repainting, holding water so far so good, I said to Mrs CB I should apply to Repair Shop for a job
Had a socially distanced meet up with a couple of our dog walking friends today for the last time as a group as they are moving back to where they originally came from, Somerset. Of course it was chucking it down so we had our final walk in the rain and then went in the open barn at Weald park. Due to the weather, we had it all to ourselves. I took a couple of stoves, a couple of kettles and made the tea and coffee, someone else brought cakes and that was the best we could do under the circumstances. Couldn’t even shake hands or give 'em a cuddle when we parted. :( Oh well, we will all be visiting them in better times so something to look forward to.

We went out for a drink with my daughter and her fiancé. Both Mrs Mottie and I got our first kiss and cuddle from her since this pandemic began. It was a wonderful feeling. :love:
Just done my good deed for the day. Sitting indoors and I thought I heard a bang on my patio doors. Dog heard it too and went to investigate. When I looked there was a baby starling sitting on my patio with a magpie a foot away. The magpie flew off when it saw me so I picked up the bird - it didn’t try to get away from me so was probably stunned. Anyway, I took it inside to show Mrs Mottie who promptly screamed "Get it out!". I took it outside and checked that the magpie had gone. No magpies anywhere but a few starlings were screeching around like they do when one of their number is in trouble. I decided to put it on my shed roof and as I lifted it up, the baby bird started screeching which attracted about half a dozen starlings, two of which flew quite close to me. Anyway I placed it on the roof and it immediately flew off and at a good rate too, not the usual struggling flutter of a fledgling. It was good to see and it was joined straight away by about 5 other birds that shielded it as it went. It’s made my day and it wasn’t even 9.00am. :)
Stuck in A&E for the second time in a couple of weeks with offspring No 3.

Another rugby injury, suspected cracked rib, but it's agony when he breathes or moves.

What annoyed me was that the oppo tackled him when he didn't even have the ball....:mad:
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