What have you been doing today?

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First day for months that I didn't walk my dog (it was lame) with my friend in our regular country park and I'm kind of glad that I didn't. She saw 2 dogs without owners savage a Muntjac deer! Two cyclist scared the dogs off but it was touch and go whether the dogs would turn on them. She went and got the park warden who, according to her, was f ing useless - his suggestion was to just let it die on its own. She ended up getting the cyclists to put it on a blanket and lift it into her car where she took it to her vets who put the poor thing out of its misery. Spent the rest of the day disinfecting the car as the vet said they carry some nasty germs. Quite upsetting and she is going to make some serious complaints about it. I absolutely detest dog owners who have no control over their vicious dogs and let them run loose in public places - what if that had been a child? Makes me go cold thinking about it.
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There have been two other attacks on people allegedly by the same dog. Allegedly the owner gives not two sh*ts.
While out walking the dog the other day, I saw a skip on a drive with six huge (3.6m) wood effect plastic/pvc planks. They make great rot-free bed edges for the allotment. I knocked to ask if I could have them. No answer. I went back three times yesterday and once again this morning. Still no answer. Mrs Mottie suggested that I wrote a note telling the owner that I have assumed they are to be thrown, take them and leave the note with my contact details. I wrote the note, drove round there .......and some other bastard had taken them! In future, I'll knock once only and then come back with a note. :mad:
Setting up and testing a home treadmill I ordered a few days back. Offered to help the solitary delivery guy carry it in, an offer he accepted. Quite a weight in these things, I didn't see a trolley in his van so how the heck they're supposed to carry stuff like this solo goodness only knows. No wonder things often end up damaged in transit.

I'm now 50 and lead a VERY sedentary life, even more so now that I WFH much of the time. So decided I needed to do something about it!
Started one of my favourite jobs yesterday: stripping down an old door. Took off a layer of varnish from the architrave to save messing about when i re-hang the door, and today i can fill the cracks, smooth it down and enjoy the smell of fresh varnish on the cupboard drawers.
Off to hospital today for a kidney and bladder scan. Recent check up showed my albumin level has risen a bit so scan today and biopsy in the near future.
Feel as fit as I normally do and can still hold my own against blokes in their 30's/40's so not too worried.
packing to come home from a foreign holiday they said us unvaxxed would never have again
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