What have you been doing today?

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Pondering the age old question; roll on or spray for anti-perspirant? Many years ago, I was told that roll on was more effective. But recently, I've been getting bored, waiting for it to dry. I've just switched to spray and it's a revelation. This stuff's like araldite and it dries almost instantly.
I’ve gone the other way. Always used aerosols but when they removed the CFC's from them, it got right down my throat so I switched to roll-on. I’m happy with it. I’m sure if it wasn’t working, mrs Mottie would let me know!
Left Honfluer this morning, visited a nice village called Beuvron-en-Auge and had lunch there. Went in to Bayeux and saw the tapestry. Absolutely fascinating- that Harold was a bit of a two-faced git, wasn’t he? We had an audio guide that took us through the whole tapestry telling us what it was about. I never knew! Visited the abbey, just arrived in Mont st Michel. Our anniversary today - 39 years - hotelier phoned up a chef he knows and booked us in for an 'experience' with them tonight. Sounds expensive!
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Anyway, speaking of all things French, I've been listening to some lovely piano music, with Hélène Grimaud as the pianist.

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hotelier phoned up a chef he knows and booked us in for an 'experience' with them tonight. Sounds expensive!
One of the best meals we've had in France. Restaurant was on the side of a busy A type road with nothing else for a mile or so in either direction. Scruffy looking place from outside, I would never have stopped at that type of place. Went inside and wow, not what you'd imagine. We shared a starter, I had local lamb for main, Mrs Mottie had veal. 3 glasses of wine (not each!) which was perfect, two desserts, a bottle of water and an expresso came to…..€102.50!
A bit of a boring day. A couple of stocks dropped like a rock first thing, so there was a percent or three to be grabbed while they recovered. (Nvid,AMD). The £ having the temerity to strengthen by a % or so didn't help.
About 1.2% up today. For the week 18.x%, 16327 buck$.
Well it was OK for a while , but it's just a number on a statement. Unless I can automate it I'm bored. MIght be tempted again at some point - always keen to learn and many would have done a lot better.
You can start with "fake" money, several platforms have those facilities. They give you 100k to play with. A good idea. I didn't use one and lost £130 the first day- I panicked.
Day one of our road trip to France.

I just read this in the Guardian about French ULEZ. Scoundrels.

If the recent riots haven’t made you rethink your holiday plans, these zones include a number of popular tourist locations, including Paris, Rouen, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Montpellier, Lyon, Grenoble, and a few other cities, where you risk the fine if you don’t display one.

Those who take the ferry or Eurotunnel and who stay away from any big urban areas, will not be required to display one.

The good news is that the stickers are relatively easy and cheap to obtain, even if it requires a little bit of time and some internet expertise.
I part ex'd my lovely fully loaded, well mapped, 435d for an E Pace today. Mrs had a problem with putting granddaughter in her isofix seat thingy in the back. I haven't full on cried since I was at infants school. Came very close today. Bye bye Bertie Bimmer :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Up early, breakfast, then on to Mont St Michel for when it opened as advised by hotelier. We were there by 9.00. Not too many people about. Left around 11.00 and the crowds were building - it’s the first day of the school holidays over here today. The car park for the site is the size of a Disney car park with shuttle busses taking you out there. The Abbey was impressive but the rest of it a bit tacky touristy. We went right to the top and my legs feel like they’ve had a good workout. €17 to park for two hours, the scoundrels.


Left there and went on to Rouen. Had a job and a half finding our hotel as it was in a pedestrianised area. I booked a car park space that involves putting in a code to get the bollards down, then drive the car thrroigh the pedestrian area, into a courtyard of the hotel and then into a car lift and went down to the tiniest underground car park ever seen - only about 8 spaces. Had to reverse out of the lift but I needed Mrs Mottie to guide me. It was very tight. It’s going to be fun getting out of there!

Had a quick peek at the Cathedral and the stonework was amazing both inside and out. They certainly had some skilled workers back in those days.


Went back to the hotel, jumped into the shower which was on some kind of plinth, had a shower, got out and went flat on my back. Smacked me head on the bog seat too. It didn't half hurt. Mrs Mottie had to squeeze into the bathroom as I was stuck between the WC and the shower plinth and help me up. Got a lovely bruise across my shoulder blades.
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One of the best meals we've had in France. Restaurant was on the side of a busy A type road with nothing else for a mile or so in either direction. Scruffy looking place from outside, I would never have stopped at that type of place. Went inside and wow, not what you'd imagine. We shared a starter, I had local lamb for main, Mrs Mottie had veal. 3 glasses of wine (not each!) which was perfect, two desserts, a bottle of water and an expresso came to…..€102.50!
…and possibly one of the worse tonight. Steak and chips. Thinnest steak I’ve ever had, tough, with what looked like reheated fries. No trimmings. Mrs Mottie had duck breast. Said it was okay. Served with a glass of chilled red wine and the attitude of a true scoundrel. €42. No tip. Feck 'em!
I have been pulling my Henry vacuum cleaner apart, to see if there is some way to fix the shot motor. The best information on the motor I could find, suggested it cannot be stripped to repair it, the only way is complete replacement. All it needed was a com clean up, and some new bearings - long ago, it was misused in an emergency, as a wet vac, which did for the lower bearing.

Undetered, I pulled the motor apart, partly by brute force and managed to cut the bearings off the shaft ends, and cleaned up the com. Next to order new bearings 22mmOD, 8mm ID, 7mm wide sealed.
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