What have you been doing today?

Seriously, you should start an investment thread. (y)
If anyone's interested.

Today was ok, I caught about 3%. Meta did jump as expected, more that the pre-market trades indicated

YOu can see the volume underneath, so you could tell it was going tokeep going.
You use a "trailing stop loss" up underneath as it rises, so if anyone sells a load you keep most of the gain, like a ratchet.
I sold at about 296.
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We've been sorting out my timber storage. I had loops of rope, hung from the rafters of a lean to, come tractor garage, with steel pipe as a temporary / permanent arrangement for years. Today, I pulled all the many lengths of timber out, a fixed Unistrut hangers to the rafters. No more risk of the ropes snapping under the strain and no more ducking down, to get onto the tractor.
We've been sorting out my timber storage. I had loops of rope, hung from the rafters of a lean to, come tractor garage, with steel pipe as a temporary / permanent arrangement for years. Today, I pulled all the many lengths of timber out, a fixed Unistrut hangers to the rafters. No more risk of the ropes snapping under the strain and no more ducking down, to get onto the tractor.
I love Unistrut, Mrs CB says I love it more than her, I do play it up if we are in a trendy eatery with exposed Unistrut, gazing longingly at window brackets & 4 hole corners
Day one of our road trip to France. I ran mrs Mottie to work this morning. Plan was to pick Mrs Mottie up from work and go straight from there. Got about 15 minutes on my way to pick when I realised I’d left my Crit air pass on the hall table. Went back, couldn’t find it, it had blown down the back of the hall table while I was loading the car up. Paid an extra £40 each way for a ticket on the shuttle that allows you to turn up 2 hours either side of your booked time. We still got there 2 hours early but all the trains were delayed so we actually left 30 minutes later than our booked time. To top it off, I had a call from the hospital and my mum had been taken in. My sister went away today too so we had an idea she would 'check in' at Queens! More delays on the way when our turn off on the French motorway was closed so we had to go past and detour round these lanes through loads of French villages. Arrived in Motteville at 9.40. Was still light at 10.30. Pringles and a bottle of water for tea. Hopefully a better day tomorrow in Honfluer. Fingers crossed!
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As we both absolutely love our BBQ's, and as the old one was overdue for replacement - I've been looking at replacing the old cheapie one for something a bit better. ..

I've been looking at both new, and second hand gas ones. I spotted what had been a very, very expensive one on FB, locally, which was in need of some repair. The burner support brackets had rotted away. I agreed a discount on it, and we went to look/pick it up yesterday evening. You don't get much of an idea from a photo, of the size and weight of such things - it was a monster, weighing in at more than me. It was a massive, but very well built unit.

All that was wrong with it, was that the too thin, mild pressed steel bracket along the opposite end to the jets, supposed to support the far ends of the burners, had rotted out. Somebody had tried with various bits of scrap metal, to support the burners. All it really needed, was the entire rotten bracket cut out, and an length of light steel angle to be let in - simple, easy. We had to strip it down completely, to even get it in the car, then build it back up in my garage at home, where I devised a better repair, a bit of light Dexion angle, bolted onto the back panel.

The plan this morning, is to try to move the beast out to the summerhouse veranda, and give it a dry run on gas.
Computer's on again...


That means the stock price will (unless that pre-market price changes) be opening at 298.81, in 4 hours' time.
Then it'll do something like I've been illustrating.
We knew it was coming, it's the ;launch of the new feature.
That's 3-4 months building society gain , in a click.
If it doesn't happen, no matter, you just keep your money. It's not like horse racing.
If you're afraid it'll drop for some reason, put in a stop-loss order at the current price, or the opening price....

I'l stop these posts soon, as nobody seems interested
Had the towbar man back out as there was a fault with his side of the wiring. New socket wired and fitted and all lights on tailboard working correctly. Just need a new breakaway cable to fit, which is coming tomorrow, then I'll be road ready again.
(Have to nip down to a supermarket car park and refresh my reversing skills. :rolleyes: )
Left Motteville today - people were crying and crowds stood at the side of the road and clapped me as I left.
Visited a place called Étretat and had a walk up to and along the cliffs. It was a very picturesque place.



Went on to Honfluer and checked into our hotel. Has one of the best views from a hotel toilet that I’ve ever had!


Funny room though - no door on the bathroom and a clear window in the wall between the bedroom and the shower with no curtain and a full on view of the WC. Scoundrels! Mrs Mottie makes me leave the room when she wants to use the loo. :ROFLMAO:


Had a walk around the town and the harbour. Found what looks like a nice restaurant and booked a table there for tonight. Tomorrow we are off to Mont St Michel but we are making a diversion to Bayeux to see the tapestry and see what all the fuss is about!
Left Motteville today - people were crying and crowds stood at the side of the road and clapped me as I left.
Visited a place called Étretat and had a walk up to and along the cliffs. It was a very picturesque place.

So, what was Motteville like?

That first photo reminds me of the walk from Flamborough Head to North Landing.
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So, what was Motteville like?
TBH, a bit of a quiet place. Not unlike most of the villages we've driven through. Not many cars on the road and I don’t think we’ve seen more than half a dozen people walking about. I only chose it because it was en-route to Honfleur and of course, the name appealed.

Tonight’s meal didn't disappoint - you can’t fault the French for their cooking. Went to a place recommended by the woman that owns the place we are staying in. I’m hoping just a couple of the oysters I had for starters do their job tonight. ;) :ROFLMAO:


Done some walking today and not just on the flats either - some serious hill walking plus walking down and back into the harbour twice from where we are staying.


I'm just about knackered - we’ve not long been back and had a few glasses of Calvados courtesy of the place we are staying. Been told to just help ourselves to it from the dining room as well as help ourselves to anything we want in the kitchen. V friendly hosts! Completely different to what you expect looking at it from the front. They open the gates and it’s a nice surprise. Massive grounds for the location it’s in. Parking on-site but it’s a VERY steep (but short) climb to the parking area - you have to really go for it and you can’t stop halfway up! One woman nearly burnt her clutch out getting up there and a German fella refused to to put his Carrera GTS up there for fear of grounding it at the top. I’m knackered. Goodnight.
Meta was strange - the "thread" thing on FB had already been "factored in" so I don't know why there was a fuss. It has been extremely popular , apparently. The stock price was all over the place, I was glad to get about 0.8% out of it.
Something I hadn't remembered to look at, even though I mentioned it above, was that Tesla went down due to the twitter killer! It came back up though. That'll remind me not to leave a "position open" overnight.
Another stock reported (CNBC) as worth having a go at was "Sweetgreen". Apparently some banker said their stock was worth 30% more than it's listed at. Up a lot in pre-trade. That got me about 4.5% in the end, though there was a sharp dip at one point and I was a nearly grand down. I bought the dip.
8% +3.2% + 5.3%=17.4%.

Ha! While looking for something for tomorrow I saw that Jetblue airways had risen. I did see about it this morning but 2 was enough to follow.
You'd be really sick if you bought it and left it until the close. Ordering before the open gets a very high price indeed, higher than you can see.
You'd have lost:

You/l'd have easily lost with Caribou CRBU , too. ELVA would have been a wild ride. Hmmm.

Oh, one thing if you want to read/youtube-up about what I'm doing, it's not investing, it's "day trading" or "swing trading".
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Funny room though - no door on the bathroom and a clear window in the wall between the bedroom and the shower with no curtain and a full on view of the WC
Even funnier when you think you want a poo at 4.30 in the morning, creep out of bed into the open bathroom, sit down and it’s only a fart! Woke Mrs Mottie up - she thought it was a ship docking in the harbour! We laughed for a good ten minutes. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Pondering the age old question; roll on or spray for anti-perspirant? Many years ago, I was told that roll on was more effective. But recently, I've been getting bored, waiting for it to dry. I've just switched to spray and it's a revelation. This stuff's like araldite and it dries almost instantly.
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