What have you been doing today?

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Popped over the allotment to do a bit of work on the paths - de-weeding and then covering with fresh wood chippings. On the way down one path, I came up against a chair so I had to step on to my neighbours plot to get round the wheelbarrow to move the chair. Unfortunately, I forgot they had a little pond lurking under the foliage. I went straight in, up to my knee and got a boot full of water. Packed up, went home.

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Popped up the workshop to do a few little jobs today and I went by car. Big mistake - I should have gone by bike as it was bloody gridlocked all round there. Again. Bloody A13. After sitting in the backstreets for half an hour, I went back to the workshop, parked my car up on the front and got a train home.

Walking up to the station which I haven’t done for a while, it was sad to see West Ham's stadium gone and replaced by apartment blocks.





Took a few more photos with my phone on the way home from Upminster station to my house - they came out pretty good considering it was dark.


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Back up to the workshop to collect the car. Took Susie for a trip on the overground and underground. She quite liked it.


Before we went home, I took her for a walk round my mates and let her have a crap in his garden - just repaying the favour. :ROFLMAO: He has a tree down his street with the weirdest growth on it - hardly room to get past with a double buggy. You’d think the local council would do something about it but that’s Labour for ya!

Took the lads' car for its MoT. See "Parts for SpaceStar" for the full gory details.
Spent the morning in a cage on a forklift swapping light fittings, nice steady work if you do your prep at ground level
Early morning street walk for Susie before we drop her off at a friends as we’re having an overnighter in Oxford.

Early morning street walk for Susie before we drop her off at a friends as we’re having an overnighter in Oxford.

Last night, Shillelagh (our BC), spent her night actually on her bed. Her upstairs bed, which she has very carefully avoided sleeping on, or even stepping on, for all of these weeks we have been trying to encourage he to sleep on the bed, rather than the hard floor.
Looking for these...... can't find them anywhere.


Can't find them in:

The Range
B and M

Or Google.

Only other place I can think to try is B and Q.

Before anyone asks, they have to be identical.
Looking for these...... can't find them anywhere.

View attachment 323714

Can't find them in:

The Range
B and M

Or Google.

Only other place I can think to try is B and Q.

Before anyone asks, they have to be identical.
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