Which is the best martial art to learn?



Just started my kids in Ju Jitsu.... hoping it will give them a few skills to help them through life..... have i made the right choice?
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one of my former colleagues set his kids off on ju-jitsu...
some time, later, he found his son watching the telly when he should have been doing his homework, went to give him a smack on the head, kid grabbed his wrist and put his dad on the floor.,


Kid apologised profusely and said he did it without thinking.
A similar thing happened with my mate. He was giving me his woes about his lazy so and so 14 yr old stepson. My reply was "kick his *rse". He said he can't touch him cos the lad had been going to karate since he was very little and it's impossible to get anywhere near him to kick his *rse.
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What about Ninjutsu....that's what Batman does :)
Kids and martial arts very much depend on the kid and what they're like. I used to do judo and tae kwondo and you'd have some kids that were quiet and shy and it helped give them confidence and then you got others that were little sods who bragged off to their mates and showed off at school and started knocking seven bells out of all the other kids.

Only you know your kids and how they'll behave with having knowledge of a martial art.

If you're asking if jujitsu is the best martial art - I think yeah, it's quite good (I always wanted to do Muay Thai but that's probably not what you want to send your kids to!!!! :LOL: :LOL: ). Am I right in thinking that it's more of a defensive martial art than an aggressive? I never did jujitsu but is it not like judo but with weapons?
Kids and martial arts very much depend on the kid and what they're like. I used to do judo and tae kwondo and you'd have some kids that were quiet and shy and it helped give them confidence and then you got others that were little s***s who bragged off to their mates and showed off at school and started knocking seven bells out of all the other kids.

Only you know your kids and how they'll behave with having knowledge of a martial art.

If you're asking if jujitsu is the best martial art - I think yeah, it's quite good (I always wanted to do Muay Thai but that's probably not what you want to send your kids to!!!! :LOL: :LOL: ). Am I right in thinking that it's more of a defensive martial art than an aggressive? I never did jujitsu but is it not like judo but with weapons?

well apparently Judo is derived from Ju Jitsu... or the other way round? but judo is about throws and ground control, whereas Ju Jitsu is that plus strikes, plus chokes, plus weapons... much more all round really.
My requirement is purely self defence and confidence...

Karate is nothing but dance in my book !
Tae Kwon Do is primarily for self defence, I should know as my wife is a black belt 3rd Dan............ :eek:
Great idea. Teach your kids violence. :rolleyes:
It's never too early to learn the Highway Code and road sense, even before you have a car.
I think they should be taught to shoot and fight with knives. Never know when they are going to be attacked.
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