The age you have children

23 Nov 2003
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United Kingdom
I wanted to have children quite early in my life (20s) so I could give the best I could to them: basically to have the energy to run round after them and to give them the run-around once in a while. Also I can watch them grow up, offer continued advice and guidance and maybe watch them have kids of their own.

If I had kids at a late age, I would be afraid I wouldn't be able to do these things.

What is the best age to have kids at?
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Best to wait until you are no longer a child yourself.

When you are old enough and wise enough to guide them the right way.

And having active children ( or grandchildren ) often keeps you fit and active whether you like it or not.
as soon as you want to as long as you have a good job and can afford to pay for them..

I'm fed up having to pay taxes to let dole moles have 16 kids and never work a day in their lives... :evil:

why should I pay for some 15 year old's kids who can't keep it in their pants..?
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i have a 16 year old step daughter and a 2 1/2 year old. Im 37 and both keep me on my toes. In all honesty im glad i waited till my 30's for the little one. I think you are a little more worldly wise and able to deal with it all a little better. As bernard says, you dont realise what energy you can summon up when the little one still wants to play with you when youre deadbeat.
well I've got grandkids and they sometimes stay over, phew! Its knackering, great to hand them back :LOL:
as soon as you want to as long as you have a good job and can afford to pay for them..

That day might never come...

Perhas even worse, one day it does come and something is wrong, you wish you'd done it years ago

(this is not from personal experience)
If I were 20 today I wouldn't be party to bringing children into this sick and sad world.
Dont you just love your kids :evil: you long to have them then a few years down the road you wish you hadn't ;)
Had my first at 24 marrage lasted 18 months after due to so so many pressures -not least 18% interest rates..Second marrage and second baby at 41 -in all honesty it's far far better second time round.


....and a I bet all his mates and teachers call you Grandad.
whilst having kids later in life can be a disadvantage physically wise, I reckon the benefits outweigh that..

Age can give an ability not to put up with a lot of the cr*p emanating from public bodies, and give the confidence to question things which may not be right for your kids!

Added to that, maybe having become a bit more financially stable can mean more time to spend with your children...

Well those have applied for us..
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