The age you have children

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had my first at 36 and the second a couple of years later.

my parents were very young when they had us, a little too young maybe. they split when i was ten yrs.

my wife is ten years younger than me. i love my family.

we started out living in a flat. it was my bachelor pad. ;) we could have had a child back then but it wasn't to be. we simply weren't 'ready'.
First at 33 - 29/9/99

Second at 36 - 19/04/03

Third at 38 - 25/11/04

All boys....

:oops: (not embarrassed, but red-faced from running after them!)
First at 29, second at 31.Both girls (now 6 and 4)

Best of both worlds - old enough to have lived, young enough to still crawl around on hands and knees playing horses!! :D
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whilst having kids later in life can be a disadvantage physically wise, I reckon the benefits outweigh that..
Age can give an ability not to put up with a lot of the cr*p emanating from public bodies, and give the confidence to question things which may not be right for your kids!
Added to that, maybe having become a bit more financially stable can mean more time to spend with your children...
An interesting reply which hit the proverbial nail right on the head! In replying to this post , I actually set myself up to take all the sticks and stones that would be thrown at me. Apart from joe-90's mild remark about the kids mates and teachers calling me grandad it just hasn't happened. Still, it's early in the day.
whilst having kids later in life can be a disadvantage physically wise, I reckon the benefits outweigh that..
Age can give an ability not to put up with a lot of the cr*p emanating from public bodies, and give the confidence to question things which may not be right for your kids!
Added to that, maybe having become a bit more financially stable can mean more time to spend with your children...
An interesting reply which hit the proverbial nail right on the head! In replying to this post , I actually set myself up to take all the sticks and stones that would be thrown at me. Apart from joe-90's mild remark about the kids mates and teachers calling me grandad it just hasn't happened. Still, it's early in the day.

It's mid afternoon now, grandad. ;)

re: kids. I don't see the point myself, let the other fools overpopulate the world. I like having money in the bank, and lie-ins. :evil:
re: kids. I don't see the point myself, let the other fools overpopulate the world. I like having money in the bank, and lie-ins. :evil:

I look forward to lie-ins with the grand children bringing me my breakfast in bed which I eat as they are mowing the lawn and cleaning the house.
re: kids. I don't see the point myself, let the other fools overpopulate the world. I like having money in the bank, and lie-ins. :evil:

I look forward to lie-ins with the grand children bringing me my breakfast in bed which I eat as they are mowing the lawn and cleaning the house.

With the money saved from not having kids I can afford a sexy Spanish housemaid to do the cleaning and sort out my *AHEM* 'breakfast in bed'.:cool:

The garden? I just fly in Titchmarsh once a fortnight. :LOL:
instead of the spanish housemaid and titsmouch what about charlie dimmock and kill two birds with one stone.
bernardgreen said:
I look forward to lie-ins with the grand children bringing me my breakfast in bed which I eat as they are mowing the lawn and cleaning the house.

My earliest recollection of "Grandad" was somebody who came round and fixed stuff. (He was a shipyard joiner.) Whenever a door was sticky or a shelf was in imminent danger of falling off the wall I heard the familiar story, "Don't worry. Your Grandad will fix it". :) :) :) On one occasion the doorbell broke. (It was an old clockwork one.) He came to fix it. He rang the bell - and rang - and rang - but nobody answered the door! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I can see my own future already. Ring, ring! Arrgghhh! Why does the phone always go when you're in the bath or, worse, half way up the bedpost? :mad: :mad: :mad: "Dad, the washing machine won't empty / computer's crashed / bike wheel's buckled / lights won't work / door won't open / shelf's fallen down / bell doesn't ring" ---- :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Breakfast in bed? I'll be lucky if I get any breakfast at all! :cry: :cry: :cry:
No-one has mentioned about children being born into a stable relationship between two people who love each other very much.
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