Why are so many pubs closing?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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In that case
I think I'm right, I was working in Weymouth Mews. The mews is between
the Polish & Chinese embassy And Harley Street..

With my laptop needing to invoice I went into the pub one Friday in the Mews expecting filthy prices.

Could not believe how cheap the bear was considering its location.

Lovely pub with an open fire . Unfortunately I think it closed its doors not long after.
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I went to a pub. I'm sure I did. But it was probably last century. Never been to a whine bar.
I went to a pub. I'm sure I did. But it was probably last century. Never been to a whine bar.

I love pubs. Even an empty pub is better than sitting in my living room.

But...and I'll say but, when the spring breaks out I'll be having more in my Garden than I will at the pub.
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Just got back from a weekend in London, shocked at the prices some pubs were charging, £15 for two pints in a few pubs, the cheapest we found was a Sam Smiths pub The Cittie of Yorke, £3.90 for a lovely pint of dark mild.

In Scotland on Friday: Glasgow - fleetingly - Stirling, and Edinburgh.

Early for my train back, so positioned myself in the 'Spoons next to the train station, for my lunch (I'd only had 2 cuppas, up to that point).

Even there, over £6 for a pint of Leffe :eek:
Just got back from a weekend in London, shocked at the prices some pubs were charging, £15 for two pints in a few pubs, the cheapest we found was a Sam Smiths pub The Cittie of Yorke, £3.90 for a lovely pint of dark mild.

I avoid Samuel Smiths pubs.

The last one I went into was early 2020 (Warwick Avenue). I was running early to see a customer, Saturday about 1pm and thought I would have a quick pint and check my emails. Went up to the bar and purchased a pint. There were only 3 other punters in the pub. I sat down opened my laptop to check my emails. A very apologetic barman came over and said that I was not allowed to use my laptop in the pub, I asked if I could use it in the garden, he said no.

He also told me that the chain's policy prohibited the use of phones and tablets by customers. It made no difference if the activities on the devices were totally silent or not.

I asked why they don't have any signs outside to warn potential punters The barman pointed to a sign on the inside of the doorway. I remarked that the sign was only visible when leaving the pub- he agreed.
We were in a cafe in Helmsley last month which had a "no screens policy" there were two customers tapping away on their phones

We were in a cafe in Helmsley last month which had a "no screens policy" there were two customers tapping away on their phones
It's a tough one. If I go into a pub or cafe it's me relaxing while having my head in work.

Yet I understand and think it's a good idea
I m spending too much money in pubs. Far too expensive. I do seem to find an excuse to often.

I have beer at home but I'm more of a social drinker, than I need to drink.

I like ale, mainly Doom Bar. Sometimes Bass, Butty Bach or London Pride. Draught is spot on in my local - miles better than out of a bottle. Sitting in front of the fire in local, drinking quality ale and either nattering with other locals or perusing the Daily Mail: priceless.
That would be The Booking Office. I used to go in there for my tea, £13 for fish, chips and a pint wasn't too bad. The last time was six months ago.

Occasionally go to the WG Grace 'Spoons in Bristol. Had Sirloin, chips, onion rings, tomato, mushroom, peas and boat of peppercorn sauce including a pint for £15. Steak was excellent, just a tiny sliver of fat - all rest was edible and cooked to perfection - M/R for me.
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