Why do we need negotiators?

was all a mis-understanding :):)

You mean, a smear by the right-wing press?

Apparently the RW establishment is ****-scared of Corbyn getting in, hence the heaps of smears and false stories prior to the election, which backfired on them.


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good job they cleared up the "student loan" mis-undersatnding on the radio last week

blimey we would not want the electorate mis-lead about this 100 billion debt ;):):)
we would not want the electorate mis-lead

£350 million a week, eh?

A big enough claim to plaster on a bus and drive round the country, getting maximum exposure on TV and press.

A complete lie.
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has geremy said any thing about his mate that Venezualian dictator oops I mean president :)

I see diane stated that the election there was more democratic then a UK election ?????????
£350 million a week, eh?

A big enough claim to plaster on a bus and drive round the country, getting maximum exposure on TV and press.

A complete lie.

yep u are right

Good job corbyn cleared up the student loan caper after the election or it may have got put into the same category as the red bus caper ;):):)
The electorate have just had the biggest shafting politicians have ever shoved up them. It was called "The Brexit Campaign".

EU have been shafting europe for 30 odd years . and u have been dropping your trousers and bending over Noseall

and not only that but u have been voluntarily lubeing up :)
EU have been shafting europe for 30 odd years . and u have been dropping your trousers and bending over Noseall

and not only that but u have been voluntarily lubeing up :)
I do get my skis edged and waxed each season and go into a crouch for a run-up to a ski lift, if that's what you mean.
EU have been shafting europe for 30 odd years . and u have been dropping your trousers and bending over Noseall

and not only that but u have been voluntarily lubeing up :)
Typical **** end behaviour! :rolleyes:
When his comments have been soundly and robustly disproved, he resorts to sexist or homophobic comments!
It proves, time and time again, that **** end and the rest of the RWR, are incapable of sensible debate.

As usual, firebrand thinks "way to go"! :rolleyes:
I do get my skis edged and waxed each season and go into a crouch for a run-up to a ski lift, if that's what you mean.

You can go to the Snow Dome in Tamworth for a week instead (y) Thats still in Staffs, so everyone will speak the same lingo too. Win Win
Steamrollering?! It was voted for - wrong or right it's the voice of the UK.
Nobody is steamrollering.

I agree, it may not be in the UK's interest but there's nowt to be done other than trust those in power to sort the mess and do their best for us all.
Lets ignore that such a drastic change should have been a super majority (eg. 2/3 majority) for it to go through, and look at what has happened since the ref. They have been ignoring calls to stay in the single market, even though numerous pro-brexit voices pre-ref said we would stay in it. Then there is the fact that May has been looking to use Henry VIII powers to by-pass Parliament to make legislative changes. How is that not "steamrollering"?

All these things ignore the fact that they are going against the wishes of the majority of the population: Those who voted to stay in the EU don't want this, and those that voted to leave want different levels of leave.

The way its been going, the political inertia feels like the run up to the Iraq war: No matter how stupid it is, we'll do it anyway. Nothing new of course, but it is another extreme example.
You don't have to pretend it's great. You just have to accept brexit.
Woody seems to want us to pretend that its all going to be fine, when the evidence says otherwise. Democracy, rationalism, and basic decency leads me and others to object to Brexit because we care for our country.
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