Why do we need negotiators?

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I suppose it's because nearly 52% of the people who voted didn't want to support what the country was doing, and wanted something different.

Are you saying they shouldn't have done?

Do you object to the Quitters wanting to change the status quo and wanting to leave the EU? Or do you only object to the Remainers wanting to change the status quo and wanting to not leave the EU?

When did political dissent become "wrong?" Was it June 2016?
James Chapman was Brexit secretary, David Davis’s chief of staff until the election.
There were only ten in the Conservative Party so most of them have already backed down - or have they?
They are all Quitters now. There is no such thing as an anti-Brexit Tory politician. They either get behind Brexit or they are sacked. They will all be pulling together once the Summer recess is over, I saw it on Sky news.
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it's 27 countries with 27 agendas. France, germany, italy would suffer under WTO rules. Ireland gets hit when a tax war breaks out and poland et al suffer when the budget has holes in it.

The EU may not care but the countries will.
How many times .... Brexit is happening. Stop moaping about things that won't happen, and deal with the things that will happen.
Brexit is a political decision, and we as know from history, political decisions are easily changed. Think U-turns, especially those of Theresa May's.
Brexit is not some societal pre-determined path that you appear to assume it is!
As others have shown, democratic decisions can be changed! They are not foregone conclusions.
it's 27 countries with 27 agendas. France, germany, italy would suffer under WTO rules. Ireland gets hit when a tax war breaks out and poland et al suffer when the budget has holes in it.

The EU may not care but the countries will.
How can WTO rules apply to individual countries within EU, without applying to the EU as a whole?
The EU is a democratic organisation and can take account of individual member countries requests to amend their policies to suit specific circumstances. They have proven this time and time again.
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political decisions are easily changed

Yeah... you just hold a referendum and let the people decide.
And just hope that the cartel of gangsters in power at the time accepts the result they don't want.
There will be hundreds, if and when the wind turns.
There will be a new crop by then. All the current Tory sycophants are towing the line and biding their time. They are appeasing the voters and have the other eye on the Tory leadership. Never have we had such a selfishness government in power as now, just as the country is screaming out for altruism.
Pretty sickening when you think what is at stake. Look at the likes of Blair now to see what the Brexiteer politico will look like in a few years time. And they will all have that smug look too.
Apologies. I got the parties the wrong way round.

The Conservatives are not as bad as I thought.

However, as for the opposition.


There will be a new crop by then. All the current Tory sycophants are towing the line and biding their time. They are appeasing the voters and have the other eye on the Tory leadership. Never have we had such a selfishness government in power as now, just as the country is screaming out for altruism.
Pretty sickening when you think what is at stake. Look at the likes of Blair now to see what the Brexiteer politico will look like in a few years time. And they will all have that smug look too.

sounds like the labour party ;):)

still at least corbyn cleared up that student loan caper since the "election"

for one minute there some thought he was going to wipe out a 100 billion worth of debt

was all a mis-understanding :):)
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