Why you can't get a job!

30 Jun 2008
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United Kingdom
800,000 UK jobs advertised in EU.

More than 800,000 British jobs are being advertised to foreign workers across the European Union on a website funded by the European Commission.

The website EURES lists a total of more than 1.4 million vacancies across the EU, with the UK making up more than 50% of them.

Foreign jobseekers are also being offered up to £900 to cover travelling costs to the UK for interviews, while UK employers can receive a £1,000 bonus for taking on a non-British worker, the Telegraph reported.

It comes at a time when Conservative business minister Matthew Hancock is urging UK firms to employ young British workers rather than better-qualified immigrants.

He said firms have a responsibility to ensure young people from the communities where they are based are given the opportunity to get a job and get on in life.

All positions advertised in UK Jobcentres have to be listed on the EURES website according to an EU scheme, the newspaper added.

After the UK, which lists 814,359 jobs on the website, the country with the second highest number of vacancies is Germany with 267,534 - around 20% of the overall number.

Ukip leader Nigel Farage said he was "astonished" British vacancies were being advertised abroad at a time when unemployment in the UK is "rife".

"The fact that unemployed Brits are being pitted against 500 million people across the EU to get jobs in their own country is utterly reprehensible. With two-and-a-half million people unemployed in the UK, of which 958,000 are under twenty-five, every job vacancy counts," he said.

On Friday Mr Hancock told BBC Radio Four's Today programme: "During the last boom there was a lot of recruitment from abroad and, in fact, youth unemployment went up, even during the boom. This is about a change of culture. I'm arguing that it is companies' social responsibility, it is their social duty, to look at employing locally first."

Source Sky News.
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Words fail me!

I just had a questionnaire from my Conservative European MP all the questions were slanted so that you agreed that Mr Cameron was doing a good job. That’s just the way the vote (if we ever get it) will be worded, to ensure the result they want.
More than 800,000 British jobs are being advertised to foreign workers across the European Union on a website funded by the European Commission.

Why? The answer's easy. Britain is seen as the dumping ground for the rest of Europe. Why else would 50% of the jobs advertised in this document be located in Britain.

And why are we the 'dumping ground'? That's easy too. We are seen (quite correctly) as being an easy touch and immigrants who can't/don't want to get a job are paid handsomely in benefits.

It's entirely our own fault. The EU bureaucrats are just self-serving opportunists. It is Britain that needs to act, unless we are happy being the mugs of Europe.
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What % of the 900'000 under 25 year olds who are out of work, actually want to get a job?
I find it hard to believe that there are 800,000 'proper' job vacancies in this country at the moment. I would bet that most of them are from agencies with a few days here and if you're lucky.
I would bet that most of them are from agencies with a few days here and if you're lucky.
Too true, I registered with a few agencies about 3 yrs ago. Still get texts offering me 2 days here, a week there. Last text I got offered 6 hrs work. I've told most of the agencies I have had a full time job for the last 2, 1/2 yrs, but they still text me.
What % of the 900'000 under 25 year olds who are out of work, actually want to get a job?

Every one that I meet does. All my daughters friends are in work or study.

It just up norf that they are too stupid to work.
Quit moaning and start applying

Someone posts about a news article and the plebs grab the wrong end of the stick. Instead of having a mature, possibly constructive, discussion about the topic they post a response as above.
Well, seeing that I am a highly skilled tradesman and have been constantly in work for about 40 years I don't think I will bother. :rolleyes:
It's entirely our own fault. The EU bureaucrats are just self-serving opportunists. It is Britain that needs to act, unless we are happy being the mugs of Europe.
I think the only chance we have now is to vote for UKIP, might be too late though
He hasn't got a family. He tells lies all the time. Forget about him.
agents work I did years back, labourer,cleaning,unloading lorrys,ware house picking,its a pain ,two weeks hear two weeks there and you lose any mony you earned surviving the next job. But its a foot in the door,and if you reliable,work hard ,honest,one of these firms will spot you and might offer you full time.
it was many years ago,so I don't know if offering some one from agents full time would breach there contract.

this offering money to firms to take on over seas workers, then are youth haven't got much chance. this is bad news. if its true.
Quit moaning and start applying
You will be moaning when you or any of your family, friends can't get a job, obliviously this is not effecting you yet.

Well clearly you don't know me, no reason why you should of course, just an internet forum. But, one of my favourite management-speak quotes is "Don't bring me problems, bring me solutions"

I cannot abide moaners whether they be on internet web sites, work colleagues, friends, family or myself.

If there are 800000 jobs advertised for UK positions then start applying for them.

Tebbit had it right. Get on yer bike.
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