Nation of pet lovers eh?

I'm thinking logically. Some so-called pet lovers will sort the holiday, sort the flights, sort the holiday cash, sort the holiday clothes, sort the holiday transfers then say "oh, wot do we do wiv fido?" :rolleyes:
That's not a pet lover that's a family with a animal just to finish off their family circle.

My dogs don't go then i don't go.
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How can you not love these, i'll happily give up most things including a poxy holiday for these, i'd live and die by them

Our new addition, about 16 weeks old

My 4 year old girl

And lastly our other gsd when she was about 19 weeks

No shes about 4 maybe even a touch younger, we had her from new :D so just been working it out
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I haven't had a holiday since 1996, had the odd weekend away in Norfolk or Cornwall but not been abroad mainly because of work, now though we have 3 GSD, a rescued poodle and 8 rescued persain cats, we don't have time to fart but i wouldn't have it any other way, i'd rather the pets be with us and have a loving home for life than to be beaten, starved and left to rot somewhere, i think i can forgo a few weeks in the sun for them[/quote]
I would agree with that, We've been to plenty of places abroadb but would far sooner take the dog to Cornwall or the Highlands anyday. Can't beat it!
We have one cat and manage to go on regular holidays thanks to my mother-in-law who stays at our house to look after him.

On one occasion, we were obliged to put him in a cattery. Never again. He was miserable and came home with fleas!

We're off to France soon for one week - with the MIL :( and this time we're paying through the nose for a professional 'cat woman' to visit twice a day to feed him and check that he's OK.

These people who get a cat/dog for Christmas and then happily dispose of it when the novelty has worn off make me sick.
Despite all your emotional outpourings there are plenty of people who would rather chuck a dog in a skip for something as mundane as a poxy foreign holiday.

As for German shepard dogs - can not stand the vicious things. Fiercely loyal to whomever feeds them but unpredictable to anybody else that dare stray into their territory.

It's always best not to have pets when you are in financial difficulties.
No kidding Einstein.
Does this apply to pet owners who find themselves in financial difficulties AFTER having bought a cute puppy? If so is a rubbish skip an appropriate alternative?

It's always best not to have pets when you are traisping off to spain in yer flip flops for sun, sea, sand and sangria.
Does this apply to people traipsing off to Rome for sun, sight-seeing and sex?
We have one cat and manage to go on regular holidays thanks to my mother-in-law who stays at our house to look after him.
We're off to France soon for one week - with the MIL :( and this time we're paying through the nose for a professional 'cat woman' to visit twice a day to feed him and check that he's OK.
This post almost perfectly sums up why i won't have a pet.
We have one cat and manage to go on regular holidays thanks to my mother-in-law who stays at our house to look after him.
We're off to France soon for one week - with the MIL :( and this time we're paying through the nose for a professional 'cat woman' to visit twice a day to feed him and check that he's OK.
This post almost perfectly sums up why i won't have a pet.

What you don't trust the mother-in-law
As for German shepard dogs - can not stand the vicious things. Fiercely loyal to whomever feeds them but unpredictable to anybody else that dare stray into their territory.

GS are soft as putty if territorial then it's not trained right.
What you don't trust the mother-in-law
I have the best in-laws you could wish for. They take our sprogs on holiday, even took them to Paris last year. I just would not want to put on them and they have better things to do with their busy lives.

Oddly enough, we babysit their dog on occasions though. The kids are real excited initially and give him loads of attention, then gradually you see them shunning the dog when he keeps coming for a fuss, once the first day excitement wears off.

Not a good sign.

However, the wife is dog mad but she has a busy life also. I don't think we could give a dog the attention it needs and we enjoy what little down-time we have without the distraction of a pet.
If a dog comes looking for attention it's important you do shun them.

You just don't understand dogs.
If a dog comes looking for attention it's important you do shun them.

You just don't understand dogs.

I think you misunderstood me.

It does not bother me that they are not petting the dog, rather they are bored with the whole doggy idea after 1 day. And this boredom-shunning thing would apply to when the dog would want a walk, feeding, cleaning up of the shoite, hoovering the inevitable mess all over the house, "dad when can we go on holiday", blah blah blah.

Their dog came from my friend who is a hunting kind of guy so i understand perfectly well thankyou about how this animal should be treated and it ain't all that pretty.
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