Where would you go?


9 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
Having just read Woody's post on the World War 3 thread, it has given me an idea.

If the UK went 'tits up' (some would say it already is), and you followed the lead of the economic migrants presently invading Europe, to which country would you emigrate and why?
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I'd go to my villa in Barbados or my chateau in southern France. The chalet in Klosters tends to be a bit cold. The bin lids will have to continue at at Le Rosey until term ends.


I'd go building in Ireland or wherever they are in demand for multi skilled builders.
During the Cuban Crisis when thermo nuclear war was probably just a button push away from happening a lot of people were planning to go to Ground Zero and get it over in a flash. Many thought it would be impossible to survive for long after a nuclear war had taken place.

If it had happened then the plans were that those civilians still alive after the attacks would have been put under strict military control and sent to "safe places". Only a few chosen ones would have been given medical care and food. Others, the injured and those with little value to the rebuilding of civilisation, would have to fend for themselves in "camps" where many would be allowed to die. It was seen as essential to ensure limited resources could be used to try and rebuild a civilised country.

Leaving the country to travel to a better place would have been prohibited even if it were possible.

Would those plans have worked, with hindsight probably not as those who were expected to leave their families and go into the nuclear proof shelters when the 4 minute sirens went off would not have left their families or would not have reached the shelters / bunkers before the blast doors were shut.
If it was a nuclear war then probably best to get vaporised at the start. Pretty much the whole of Europe would be affected so a longer lingering death could be the result.
Not withstanding that I'd rather stay put if I was forced to leave the country then an English speaking country or at least one where English is widely spoken would be preferable. I'd also try to avoid Islamic countries or at least those with particular sects of Islam , already poverty stricken areas and countries that are vulnerable to other factors such as droughts , rising sea levels etc. So perhaps Canada , Australia , New Zealand , the US at a push or then maybe some of the Southern European States such as Greece .
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I have considered, briefly, the idea of moving to France. Cheap land, cheaper houses, less people per unit of land, nice food. The French can be nice, but I'd be a Brit in a foreign land, it's not my home. So I'm not sure it is a good idea.

During the Cuban Crisis when thermo nuclear war was probably just a button push away from happening a lot of people were planning to go to Ground Zero and get it over in a flash. Many thought it would be impossible to survive for long after a nuclear war had taken place.

If it had happened then the plans were that those civilians still alive after the attacks would have been put under strict military control and sent to "safe places". Only a few chosen ones would have been given medical care and food. Others, the injured and those with little value to the rebuilding of civilisation, would have to fend for themselves in "camps" where many would be allowed to die. It was seen as essential to ensure limited resources could be used to try and rebuild a civilised country.

Leaving the country to travel to a better place would have been prohibited even if it were possible.

Would those plans have worked, with hindsight probably not as those who were expected to leave their families and go into the nuclear proof shelters when the 4 minute sirens went off would not have left their families or would not have reached the shelters / bunkers before the blast doors were shut.

Back then anyone selected for survival would probably have used stock phrases such as "Dashed sporting of you old chap" and "I say, what ho".
Well they would need great thinkers and great doers.. So I'm safe..

I think that Stoke on Trent would be a safe bet as it's not worth the price of a bomb
Having just read Woody's post on the World War 3 thread, it has given me an idea.

If the UK went 'tits up' (some would say it already is), and you followed the lead of the economic migrants presently invading Europe, to which country would you emigrate and why?

I hear there is a lot of room in Poland, Romania, Estonia etc. Land is cheap. It must be a good place to retire to. Not sure I like Eastern Europeans though, going by the two women we have got, they could repel a Nazi invasion on their own.
Here's a bit of joy for you all :mrgreen:


But the have some fun with this: http://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/
USA would be top of the list. I could lose myself in somewhere like Tennessee, magnificent scenery, rivers forests. Thought about France, but these days too many towel-heads.

With their stance in the current European invasion, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia are looking increasingly attractive. CZ wins, because of beer and not being in the Euro. Houses in a village available for less than the price of a family hatchback.
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