Brexit Negotiations proceeding, er...... well...... er....

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
EU's rep Barnier tries to explain

"He said: “I have heard some people in the UK argue that one can leave the single market and keep all of its benefits – that is not possible.

“I have heard some people in the UK argue that one can leave the single market and build a customs union to achieve ‘frictionless trade’ – that is not possible.”

He said that Ms May’s negotiating position, including abolishing free movement, striking free trade deals and scrapping any role for the European Court of Justice (ECJ), implied the UK is leaving both the single market and the customs union."

Has the UK govt told us what its objectives and priorities are?
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Here are some things Theresa has said (at different times her story changes)

"April 2016: "So, if we do vote to leave the European Union, we risk bringing the development of the single market to a halt, we risk a loss of investors and businesses to remaining EU member states driven by discriminatory EU policies, and we risk going backwards when it comes to international trade.

"But the big question is whether, in the event of Brexit, we would be able to negotiate a new free trade agreement with the EU and on what terms."

January 2017: "I respect the position taken by European leaders who have been clear about their position, just as I am clear about mine. So an important part of the new strategic partnership we seek with the EU will be the pursuit of the greatest possible access to the single market, on a fully reciprocal basis, through a comprehensive free trade agreement."

April 2016: "The reality is that we do not know on what terms we would win access to the single market. We do know that in a negotiation we would need to make concessions in order to access it, and those concessions could well be about accepting EU regulations, over which we would have no say, making financial contributions, just as we do now, accepting free movement rules, just as we do now, or quite possibly all three combined.

"It is not clear why other EU member states would give Britain a better deal than they themselves enjoy."

January 2017: "If we were excluded from accessing the single market, we would be free to change the basis of Britain's economic model.

"But for the EU, it would mean new barriers to trade with one of the biggest economies in the world. It would jeopardise investments in Britain by EU companies worth more than half a trillion pounds... and I do not believe that the EU's leaders will seriously tell German exporters, French farmers, Spanish fishermen, the young unemployed of the eurozone, and millions of others, that they want to make them poorer, just to punish Britain and make a political point."
FT polls:

" Under the most common plan articulated by Conservative MPs, the first aim is to get the prime minister through to the safety of the summer recess on July 20. Then, if all goes well, Mrs May would stay long enough to oversee Brexit in March 2019, taking the blame if it goes wrong. Then, her political use exhausted, she would hand over to a new leader to take the party into the next election in 2022.

It is an uphill and thankless task, but Mrs May insists she is up for it. “I will serve as long as you want me,” she told the party’s MPs on June 12. “I got us into this mess and I’m going to get us out of it.” One Conservative MP says: “She has the real sense of duty of a vicar’s daughter.”"
Free Trade Deal with the EU
There you are, when there is will there is a way.

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but not the "single market and the customs union."

"Officials said it was also not clear at this stage how the EU-Japan deal would be ratified in Europe. Full national ratification, the process used for a recent trade deal with Canada, hands every national parliament and some regional ones a veto"
Everyone knows that little will change in terms of restrictions, immigration, payments and EU laws, once the reality of Brexit is fully understood. The UK will be back where she was but in a weaker position.

The Tories are just treading water until the s hit hits the fan.
Everyone knows that little will change in terms of restrictions, immigration, payments and EU laws, once the reality of Brexit is fully understood. The UK will be back where she was but in a weaker position.

I think that is a pretty accurate description of future events tbh. The leavers are happy we are "leaving", the remainers will be somewhat pleased not much has changed in real terms and the ruling classes will have once again kept a tight lid on us minions.
Ah! Hello John not seen you about for a day or two... How did the riots in Hamburg go? Did the German police give you a nice hosing down with their water cannon?
Ah! Hello John not seen you about for a day or two... How did the riots in Hamburg go? Did the German police give you a nice hosing down with their water cannon?
Eh up Corgifoxtrotoscarfireandicegrouch. How did the Brownshirts meet go? Did the German bretheren give you a good hosing down?

Gotta be time for a name change. You have been hiding behind this one for ages. Time to snipe under another bluff innit.
so basically he's saying. we need to realise that he's right and we are wrong. good negotiating strategy

"zom people in zi EU tink they can keep all da money and give noting back..... pause for effect....zis is not possible "
Free Trade Deal with the EU
There you are, when there is will there is a way.

Yes, well done EU. Great that we are leaving eh. Japan may now turn to the UK and ask how much we will subsidise their industries before they bother investing in poor old Blighty. You could not make it up.
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Eh up Corgifoxtrotoscarfireandicegrouch. How did the Brownshirts meet go? Did the German bretheren give you a good hosing down?

Gotta be time for a name change. You have been hiding behind this one for ages. Time to snipe under another bluff innit.
Ah, noseall.... As you are aware, this is my only username, perhaps you could post up the DIY not records to support your baseless claims.. why would I want to change my username, I like this one and so the only reason why I might post under a new name might be because I had been banned.. but that isn't likely is it..?
the remainers will be somewhat pleased not much has changed in real terms
It will be very sad that we will find we have agreed to comply with EU rules, and have thrown away our vote and our place in the conference room to help make those rules.
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