Theresa unites the country at last! CBI and TUC unite for Brexit!

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Well done. We all need to pull together for the good of the country.

"CBI and TUC unite for Brexit attack on Government over citizens' rights

Worker and business organisations join forces to accuse the Government of playing "human poker" with four million lives."

Two heavyweight organisations have launched a rare direct attack on the Government over its handling of EU citizens' status after Brexit.

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) and Confederation of British Industry (CBI) joined forces to say the uncertainty facing four million European and British citizens had become "intolerable".

Their two leaders, Frances O'Grady and Carolyn Fairbairn, wrote: "After 15 months of human poker, the uncertainty facing four million European and UK citizens has become intolerable.

"It is a blight on the values of our nations. Millions of workers and thousands of firms are today united in their call to leaders on both sides to find an urgent solution.

"A clear guarantee of the right to remain for citizens in both the UK and EU27 is needed within weeks.

"They need to hear that they will be allowed to remain in the UK, whatever the eventual outcome of negotiations.

"Not only is this important for our economy, it is the right thing to do."
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Of course they do Transam, it's the Donald Duck Britain at every turn plan. They daren't give an inch, in case other countries decide to follow Brexit.
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Pretty rich being dictated to by the EU about citizens rights :LOL:

A coalition of X commie states , facist & military dictaterships :LOL:
Silly boy. The CBI and the TUC are both British organisations.

Its th EU that have stalled on citizen rights.

David Davis wanted citizens rights ring fenced before negotiations began
Its th EU that have stalled on citizen rights.

David Davis wanted citizens rights ring fenced before negotiations began

Nonsense. What about his boss? In July, Theresa made a niggardly offer

"It turns out the proposal merely amounts to treating EU citizens already living in the UK exactly the same as other foreign nationals in the UK. They would all have to apply for domestic UK immigration status and all prior EU rights of residence would be lost, including the right to be accompanied by family members. This falls considerably short of the EU’s earlier proposal, which would guarantee all existing rights for EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU."

"In the meantime, EU nationals have been left wondering whether they might be allowed to remain, many have made what may be pointless applications for permanent residence documents and any good will that might originally have been generated with a minimum guarantee like this has been totally lost.

As with much of what we learn about Brexit, it is as if the UK Government is deliberately sabotaging its own negotiating position."

I suppose if you're in a Coalition of Chaos, and even the Cabinet and the PM can't agree what they want, there's not much chance the negotiators can achieve much.

"The supposed justification for not offering a minimum guarantee was to ensure reciprocation for UK citizens in the EU. Why, then, is the belated UK proposal completely silent on what reciprocal deal the UK wants?

The logic of the UK position is that UK citizens in France would have to apply for local French immigration status, UK citizens in Spain would have to apply for local Spanish immigration status, and so on. The UK is not proposing any enforcement mechanism, so if any of the remaining 27 EU member states reneged on the agreed rights, UK citizens in those countries would be on their own."
Nonsense. What about his boss? In July, Theresa made a niggardly offer

"It turns out the proposal merely amounts to treating EU citizens already living in the UK exactly the same as other foreign nationals in the UK. They would all have to apply for domestic UK immigration status and all prior EU rights of residence would be lost, including the right to be accompanied by family members. This falls considerably short of the EU’s earlier proposal, which would guarantee all existing rights for EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU."

"In the meantime, EU nationals have been left wondering whether they might be allowed to remain, many have made what may be pointless applications for permanent residence documents and any good will that might originally have been generated with a minimum guarantee like this has been totally lost.

As with much of what we learn about Brexit, it is as if the UK Government is deliberately sabotaging its own negotiating position."

I suppose if you're in a Coalition of Chaos, and even the Cabinet and the PM can't agree what they want, there's not much chance the negotiators can achieve much.

"The supposed justification for not offering a minimum guarantee was to ensure reciprocation for UK citizens in the EU. Why, then, is the belated UK proposal completely silent on what reciprocal deal the UK wants?

The logic of the UK position is that UK citizens in France would have to apply for local French immigration status, UK citizens in Spain would have to apply for local Spanish immigration status, and so on. The UK is not proposing any enforcement mechanism, so if any of the remaining 27 EU member states reneged on the agreed rights, UK citizens in those countries would be on their own."

So thats where you get your left wing propaganda from. The newstatesman.
oh roger, you are silly.

I notice you don't attempt to disprove the facts.

"Theresa May's offer to give EU citizens in the UK "settled status" after Brexit has been described as being "far short of what citizens are entitled to".
MEPs, including European Parliament chief Brexit negotiator Guy Verhofstadt say the proposal is a "damp squib".
It offers Europeans in the UK fewer rights than Britons in the EU, they say in a joint letter to newspapers."

"Theresa May just quietly made a sinister deal about EU citizens which puts us on the fast track to a bad Brexit
It’s like May is making it all up as she goes along, as if she never thought ahead to actually having to deliver on the details of what 'Brexit means Brexit' is about"

For some reason the foreign-owned right-wing press didn't cover the story thoroughly.

You don't like providing evidence to support your claims, do you.
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