
They can claim whatever they want. That doesn't make it so.

Exactly (again). Religion can be changed; race cannot. So ...
Your pedantry is a pointless distraction.
It is the offence, defined by the legal criteria which determines whether offences have been committed.
Those legal definitions include the words "or perception". Thus it is not necessary for a person to fit into any category. If an action occurs based on the perception of something it is still an offence, even if it does not fit your dictionary definition.

If I exceed the speed limit because I perceive it is safe to do so, I am committing an offence.
If I steal something because I perceive it does not belong to anyone, I am committing an offence.
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It is oppressive when western society supplies weapons to target school buses full of children in a market place!
It is oppressive when western society invades another country on a pretext.
It is oppressive when western society bombs another country into oblivion because we disagree with their leader.
It is oppressive when western society imposes sanctions on another country because we disagree with their politics.

typical Wannabe

rants on about wider issues not related to the specific one regarding clothing.
Wannabe: Mr whataboutery

Then criticises somebody elses post because in his words, that person: 'hops from one foot to the the other in order "to be right"

The fact is: the burka is a male distorted interpretation of religion in order to oppress women.

however in a liberal society it should not be banned, women must have the right to choose what they want to wear, but we should engage with the Muslim community and encourage liberation of womens rights.
How can one have a sensible discussion with someone who hops from one foot to the the other in order "to be right"?
You were discussing western society, now you have swapped to global issues. :rolleyes:
Sure there is oppression in the world, how about the oppressed school kids, on a school bus, that were blown apart in Yemen by Saudi Arabia yesterday? With weapons provided by western society?

1. An article about a woman who was free to stop wearing the hijab because she could. 2. A Dubai based magazine, printed in English, not Arabic! 3. Who do you think its target audience is? :rolleyes:

An incident in Iran about group of kids who were breaking the law.
We might disagree with the law, but it is stupid to demonstrate by breaking that law! :rolleyes:

Another incident in Iran.
We consider Iranian society o be oppressive because we have not been 'conditioned' (socialised) into that society. :rolleyes:
Which is why 'western ' media highlights such incidents.

It is oppressive when western society supplies weapons to target school buses full of children in a market place!
It is oppressive when western society invades another country on a pretext.
It is oppressive when western society bombs another country into oblivion because we disagree with their leader.
It is oppressive when western society imposes sanctions on another country because we disagree with their politics.

Have we been 'conditioned' into accepting such oppression without question?
Wearing the burka and other head coverings has a history that is based on oppression of women. It's irrelevant which country the Muslims now live in, it doesn't change the history.

I think its pretty sad that you call a bunch of kids enjoying being part of a video that went global, an innocent 'happy' video 'stupid'. So the kids who are oppressed by unfair, unjust laws as branded as stupid by you too. Wonderful.
Wearing the burka and other head coverings has a history that is based on oppression of women. It's irrelevant which country the Muslims now live in, it doesn't change the history.

Do you think it is right for you, or western society generally, to decide what women (any women) should or should not wear?

Or are you in danger of oppressing those very people you think should not be oppressed ?

Disagree with what they wear by all means. But once you step over the line of disagreeing towards banning, you become the opressor.
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Is that not the case with France, Denmark, Austria etc

Not for me to judge what other countries decide. They have different history, cultural issues, and attitudes.

We live in the UK, and Boris represents our country our people and attitudes. I disagree with what he said.

My thoughts on face coverings are exactly that, my thoughts.

We need to stop thinking we are always right and the world should do the same as us (a western attitude ). What makes countries and the world different is exactly that, different attitudes and way of life.
Do you think it is right for you, or western society generally, to decide what women (any women) should or should not wear?

Or are you in danger of oppressing those very people you think should not be oppressed ?

Disagree with what they wear by all means. But once you step over the line of disagreeing towards banning, you become the opressor.
OK, playing your game:
So you think it's right for men to decide what women should wear?
Do you think it's right for men to oppress women?

I never said anything about banning. Please don't try and put words in my mouth.
OK, playing your game:
So you think it's right for men to decide what women should wear?
Do you think it's right for men to oppress women?

I never said anything about banning. Please don't try and put words in my mouth.

No. Do you ever say to wife/daughter something like you are not going out in that
No. Do you think as a free western society women are not opressed in any way in this country?

So if you haven't said anything about banning, why is it so important to you? Do you feel you have the right to tell others that their beliefs and way of life is wrong, and yours is right ?
Not for me to judge what other countries decide.

That is a cop out

So if you haven't said anything about banning, why is it so important to you? Do you feel you have the right to tell others that their beliefs and way of life is wrong, and yours is right ?
You are conflating two different points.
No. Do you ever say to wife/daughter something like you are not going out in that
No. Do you think as a free western society women are not opressed in any way in this country?

So if you haven't said anything about banning, why is it so important to you? Do you feel you have the right to tell others that their beliefs and way of life is wrong, and yours is right ?
Excuse me? You are again putting words in my mouth.

By the way, oppressed and oppressor has two 'p's.
Excuse me? You are again putting words in my mouth.

By the way, oppressed and oppressor has two 'p's.

Feel free to put a 'p' in anywhere you like. I have left a gap for you. I didn't realise this was a spelling test, it's a forum.

What words have I put in your mouth? Op ression is op pression, or is it only if it is about others ?
That is a cop out

You are conflating two different points.

A cop out? Not getting involved in what happens in other countries? Surely, getting involved in other countries is exactly what the real issues are about?

2 different points? No, who says what is right, and what is wrong ?
A cop out? Not getting involved in what happens in other countries? Surely, getting involved in other countries is exactly what the real issues are about?

2 different points? No, who says what is right, and what is wrong ?

It is a cop out.

The Boris Johnson article mentions bans. Those bans are in other countries.

You dont want to discuss that as it questions the validity of your point
It is a cop out.

The Boris Johnson article mentions bans. Those bans are in other countries.

You dont want to discuss that as it questions the validity of your point

My opinion is exactly that, my opinion.

My point is the use of inflammatory language for political gain, and stoking racial issues, for the same reason. I believe we are still the UK, and I have the right to have an opinion on how we live here. It is for the Austrians, Germans, Danish etc to decide what they feel is right for them. Do you think we should tell them they are right or wrong ?
Feel free to put a 'p' in anywhere you like. I have left a gap for you. I didn't realise this was a spelling test, it's a forum.

What words have I put in your mouth? Op ression is op pression, or is it only if it is about others ?
Oh, I thought this place was supposed to be educational! Just trying to help.

You've taken my post about the history of the head coverings and told me that I am in danger of being an oppressor because I support a ban.
I've never supported a ban. I was talking to Himmy about the oppressive history of those head coverings. So you took my paragraph and came up with stuff I never said and told me what I was thinking.

And the most amusing part is you asked me if I had ever told my wife or daughter not to wear something!
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