We won't get any Trade Deals - Zero

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What about the motor trade?

What will BMW, VW and Audi be thinking about dealing with the UK?
they have already said that they need a good trade deal, otherwise manufacturing will become expensive and laborious, with parts and vehicles moving to and fro across the border. This is no surprise, and has been well known for more than two years, but the Quitlings deride the truth and call it "project fear."


You may not be old enough to remember the days when car prices were unaccountably higher in UK than in the rest of Europe. There used to be a thriving cottage industry in private imports.

Most of the UK media doesn't like talking about this.

Jeremy C Hunt told the manufacturers to shut their mouths.
He doesn't want the UK citizens to lose their faith in Brexit.

They already have done.
What about the motor trade?/QUOTE]

Which part? The manufacturing plants? The ancilliary suppliers? The aftermarket? All have issues, all a little different. All 8f them have severe issues. Has been discussed befire though.
What will BMW, VW and Audi be thinking about dealing with the UK?[/QUOTE]

No doubt we will still buy them? Do you think there will be any price and/or supply issues? The suppliers do
No doubt we will still buy them? Do you think there will be any price and/or supply issues? The suppliers do

Let just use BMW as an example.

They want to sell us new their cars and want us to use their genuine parts. They also want us to use their UK based BMW Financial Services to buy the cars.

What sort of deal are they going to want? I’d say they will want to trade with the UK in a way that benefits their profits and putting prices up through tariffs will do them no favours. So based on that i’d say they would be very interested in a good deal.
Let just use BMW as an example.

They want to sell us new their cars and want us to use their genuine parts. They also want us to use their UK based BMW Financial Services to buy the cars.

What sort of deal are they going to want? I’d say they will want to trade with the UK in a way that benefits their profits and putting prices up through tariffs will do them no favours. So based on that i’d say they would be very interested in a good deal.

You missed out about their manufacturing plants here?

Of course they want that. Do you think they will crumble if it doesn't happen and we have to pay more for their products and services ?

Care to name any other cars and their parts that will stay unaffected , or even be cheaper ?
The original poster of this thread thinks presumably by the title that the EU want to commit economic suicide, I don't belive that for a second.

Does the original poster know what a trade deficit is ?

The EU has more to lose if it doesn't agree to trade it really is as simple as that.
The original poster of this thread thinks presumably by the title that the EU want to commit economic suicide, I don't belive that for a second.

Does the original poster know what a trade deficit is ?

The EU has more to lose if it doesn't agree to trade it really is as simple as that.

Time will tell, won't it.

Head in the sand attitude very rarely brings success though.
The original poster of this thread thinks presumably by the title that tge EU want
This is a very popular trick by some of the lsavers .

Oh please .....Popular trick.....there's no need for tricks the referendum was a simple question more integration ( just staying meant that ) or leave.
The majority of this nation voted leave even if had been a two people more over leave than remain that's it.
That's how voting works. There's no point crying over spilt milk anymore. Shambles ....not really just un entangling the country from the chains of EU membership
The whole edifice will, start to crumble ....why ? money won't be going in the coffers from us ! Oh dear oh dear !:p
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