No confidence vote against TM as party leader

So you voted for another 40 years of making Germany rich and rule over us?
Can you show how the structure of the EU gives Germany enrichment opportunities which it does not give us?

Can you show how it gives Germany the ability to rule us?

The reality is that Germany is rich because it is good at doing things which generate real wealth, whereas we are not because of decades of deliberate destruction of that ability by the ideological right-wing nutjob party.

The reality is that Germany is influential in the EU because it got engaged, whereas we have always stood on the fringe, scared, incompetent, and blustering like playground bullies to try and mask our lack of self-confidence and friends.

The reality is that people like you want to leave the EU because the UK has made itself so *(")$*%&# useless that membership highlights the gulf between what we do and what more successful countries do.

You long to crash out and go onto WTO rules because then we'd be in a club with just one other country. Mauritania.

Mauritania is the only country in the world that trades solely on WTO rules - every other one is in a free trade agreement.

Mauritania has a GDP 0.2% of ours and still has slavery.

I can see why you think that joining them would make us look better.
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If you haven't noticed, this is tory infighting yet again :rolleyes:
If you haven't noticed, the job of leader of Tory Lite and PM was once transferred from Tony Blair to Gordon Brown with no general election.

The law should be changed to make a general election compulsory if the ruling party changes its leader/the PM.
We seem to be conveniently forgetting that the chap on the other side of the house had a similar vote and that MPs on that side don't actually get much of a say in who there leader is.

The problem this no confidence vote has, is this : if not her, who?

I think its the party with the majority who gets to pick PM otherwise PM couldn't do the job as nobody would vote for the legislation needed to empower her decisions.

Since we elect MPs the only law that needs changing is that MPs should choose their leader (not party members).
Anyway - back to the plot.

I believe the process is that the Queen invites whoever she thinks can command the support of parliament, to form a government.
A task harder than ever these days.
Many might be willing to step up, but how many truly have the support of parliament?
That's tied into my last scenario.

The Tories boot her out as party leader but she as PM and her government retain the confidence of Parliament as evinced by her winning a VONC.

And it would create further delay in government process.
The reality clock is ticking, and the alarm will go off at midnight on March 29th 2019. No amount of circle-jerking by Tory MPs is going to delay that.

If NI can manage without a government for a couple of years, why not UK?
We have been trying that for a couple of years, and it is not going too well.

Still - the formal Conservative and Unionist Party Circle-jerk Ball kicks off in 5 hours time, so we don't have long to wait for the next chapter in this saga of a strong and stable leader, party and government.
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We seem to be conveniently forgetting that the chap on the other side of the house had a similar vote and that MPs on that side don't actually get much of a say in who there leader is.
The say that Tory MPs have is in drawing up the short-list. Just as with Labour it is the party membership who vote for the party leader

The problem this no confidence vote has, is this : if not her, who?
Someone ever stronger and more stable, I suppose, who has a plan which they have kept secret until now and which will actually work, and cause the EU to change its fundamental principles just for us. Probably involving flying unicorns who live on everlasting cake.

Since we elect MPs the only law that needs changing is that MPs should choose their leader (not party members).
Political parties should be free to constitute themselves how they see fit. If they want their leader to be chosen by their entire membership then that should be up to them.

But no matter how a party chooses its leader, if leader is synonymous with PM then there should be a general election, unless the leader changes because of death or ill health.
10 year history of the Tories:

Get into power with help of lib debs. Screw the lib debs. Blame labour for everything
Fail to improve the country, blame immigration and Europe, call for a referendum.
Get a referendum, realise they haven't a clue what it means, so stick somebody in charge that voted against it
Say Brexit is Brexit and Strong and Stable over and over to continue to disguise that fact that they haven't a scooby what they are doing.
Call for an election, to make a point they are the best.
Almost lose, pay DUP to stay in power.
Fail to negotiate a Brexit that everybody agrees with and lose half the cabinet and split the party in the process
Decide to replace PM, while still saying they're the best people to deliver something for the British people, even though in 2 years they've not answered any questions or explained anything to the British people.

That's about it I think. If this was an Ealing Studios plot from the 60s it would be an absolute hit. Unfortunately, everybody is laughing at us, not with us.

Here's to another 10 years!
maybe, but it didn't exactly springboard them to political success, did it?!
Maybe you could tell us why that is?

And maybe also why you might think it a good process to have an unelected leader imposed on us?

I voted Tory in the last election not Mrs May

You, I take voted other. You don't get a say. I give my blessing for a new Tory PM
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Can you show how the structure of the EU gives Germany enrichment opportunities which it does not give us?

Can you show how it gives Germany the ability to rule us?

The reality is that Germany is rich because it is good at doing things which generate real wealth, whereas we are not because of decades of deliberate destruction of that ability by the ideological right-wing nutjob party.

The reality is that Germany is influential in the EU because it got engaged, whereas we have always stood on the fringe, scared, incompetent, and blustering like playground bullies to try and mask our lack of self-confidence and friends.

The reality is that people like you want to leave the EU because the UK has made itself so *(")$*%&# useless that membership highlights the gulf between what we do and what more successful countries do.

You long to crash out and go onto WTO rules because then we'd be in a club with just one other country. Mauritania.

Mauritania is the only country in the world that trades solely on WTO rules - every other one is in a free trade agreement.

Mauritania has a GDP 0.2% of ours and still has slavery.

I can see why you think that joining them would make us look better.
Old news.guess what,we leaving.
Big vote on tonight ,TM needs 159 votes to stay in the driving seat, any less and she could be relegated to Jam and Jerusalem at her local Woman's institute for the foreseeable future.
She and Corbyn have a lot in common, two duds who are only in power because the alternatives are even worse than they are.
Interesting that smogg and other ERG nutjobs believe that had the EU referendum only had a majority of 1 then it was still the 'will of the people', but Mayhem getting 'only' 63% of her vote doesn't count and she should resign!
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