Trump includes NHS in trade deal.

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Shall I now accuse you of lying, given that I did not say what you just claimed I did?

If its cheap, there will be a demand.

I think there is a sound argument for keeping high regulatory standards to keep poor food out of the supply chain.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year in the U.S., about 1 million people get sick from salmonellosis, with 19,000 hospitalizations and 380 deaths. People commonly get infected with Salmonella by eating contaminated food.

The GM genie is well and truly out in the US, do we want to go the same way.......

I agree that prevention is better than cure.
I do think you talk sense, and your right if what you say is true.
Maybe changing direction a bit here.
I ve just got out of Hospital
Lovley brand new ward staff were very caring some better at their jobs than other but seems the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing.

This was a brand new structure and the floor is bouncing. I can phisically see the wet room floor moving. Something is drastically wrong with the NHS that £350 million can't cure. A good shake up is what is needed, with a good fire at the end of the garden to burn the dead wood.
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I agree that prevention is better than cure.
I do think you talk sense, and your right if what you say is true.
Maybe changing direction a bit here.
I ve just got out of Hospital
Lovley brand new ward staff were very caring some better at their jobs than other but seems the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing.

This was a brand new structure and the floor is bouncing. I can phisically see the wet room floor moving. Something is drastically wrong with the NHS that £350 million can't cure. A good shake up is what is needed, with a good fire at the end of the garden to burn the dead wood.

So you are saying the builders are crap?

As to being disorganised - what happened?

A shakeup in what way? I love these notions that we must do something but then don't follow through with a suggestion.
Why are you socialists so angry and aggressive? Is it because you know your ideals and beliefs are built on quicksand and cannot withstand any scrutiny?

So that's all you have a straw man argument. It's time idiots like yourself are called out for being idiots with your clueless notions.

Then why don't you explain how it works?

Do a search on here on my posts I have explained it many times. Or go and read actual reports on how healthcare is funded written by academics or non governmental organisations.
So that's all you have a straw man argument. It's time idiots like yourself are called out for being idiots with your clueless notions.

Its not an argument it was a question, your statement is a pure example of strawman, so you obviously have no idea what a straw man argument is. But you think using the words "straw man" makes you seem intellectual, news for you mate, it doesn't.

Do a search on here on my posts I have explained it many times. Or go and read actual reports on how healthcare is funded written by academics or non governmental organisations.

Absolutely no interest in your socialist beliefs and angry responses.
Harassment is unwanted behaviour that you find offensive, where the other person’s behaviour is because:

  • you have a protected characteristic
  • there is any connection with a protected characteristic (for example, you are treated as though you have a particular characteristic, even if the other person knows this isn’t true)
Unwanted behaviour could include:

  • spoken or written abuse
  • offensive emails
  • tweets or comments on websites and social media
  • images and graffiti
  • physical gestures
  • facial expressions
  • banter that is offensive to you
Anything that is unwelcome to you is unwanted. You don’t need to have previously objected to it.
Its not an argument it was a question, your statement is a pure example of strawman, so you obviously have no idea what a straw man argument is. But you think using the words "straw man" makes you seem intellectual, news for you mate, it doesn't.

Absolutely no interest in your socialist beliefs and angry responses.

I thought as much you have provided nothing. Socialist lol - you think by labelling me as such you have a coherent argument you thick dolt.

It is a straw man argument - you really are showing yourself up time and time again.
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