So that's why Farage didn't stand in Peterborough...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
The Brexit party lost (y)

Peterborough - a place held up as an example of quitters (61% in the referendum)...

But Garbage's party only got 29% in the by-election...

No wonder quitters are getting the jitters about another referendum :)
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Erm I’m sorry but didn’t the remain lose the brexit vote also by a small margin? In Peterborough it was only by 683 votes.

Yet all remoaners believe it was wrong and should have a second vote. Maybe that’s what they should do in Peterborough if the remoaners are anything to go by the second time around it will be different.

Love a good hypocrite :LOL:
Glad the Brexit party lost as their candidate has close links with Greybull capital the Private Equity at the heart of the British Steel debacle / asset stripping. Also Mike Greene was involved in the profiteering off freeholds.

Why does Brexit party attract unscrupulous individuals ?

The people voting for them will be conned, I didnt mind if the Tories or Labour won the seat.
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I think that suggests that labour may struggle to hold it in GA, where people know its really a choice of labour, conservative or protest.
Quite notable that Garbage slunk out by the back door before the failure of his party was revealed...

Unsurprising of course since he appears not to possess a backbone ;)
Yep buffoon Corbyn did his victory lap :LOL:

Gave a moral boosti g speech to the troops :LOL:

Lowest bye election victory since the ,1st world war :LOL: 31%

The newly elected MP has already had other party members calling for her suspension and the party whip to be with drawn :LOL: due to her anti Jewish remarks

Blimey she has only been in the job a day :LOL:

Let's hope she fairs better than the last Corbyn cult member
Yep buffoon Corbyn did his victory lap :LOL:

Gave a moral boosti g speech to the troops :LOL:

Lowest bye election victory since the ,1st world war :LOL: 31%

The newly elected MP has already had other party members calling for her suspension and the party whip to be with drawn :LOL: due to her anti Jewish remarks

Blimey she has only been in the job a day :LOL:

Let's hope she fairs better than the last Corbyn cult member

Scottish MEP vote for labour was 9% lowest percentage in an election in Scotland for labour in a 100 years
Anyone been reading that a "CONVICTED" VOTE RIGGER was out canvassing for Liebour in the Peterborough by election.
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