Power of attorney

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
This comes into play when a person has lost the mental capacity to decide for themselves what is the best way to live their life...

Someone else is given the authority to act for them...

Well it seems that this 'power of attorney' has now been applied to a whole nation which doesn't have a clue what to do!

Finland to decide how Britain votes on EU laws

"Finland will decide how Britain votes on new EU laws and regulations, thanks to Boris Johnson's decision to pull British diplomats out of meetings in Brussels early.

The prime minister announced earlier this month that the UK would stop participating in EU meetings, in an attempt to signal to Brexiteers that it was serious about leaving the bloc at the end of October.

But the decision leaves the UK government with a reduced over new EU legislation, which will affect the UK for some time to come.

Because the UK is still entitled to a vote, the decision on how it should be cast will be delegated by power of attorney to Finland, which is the current rotating chair of the EU Council.

Under the arrangement, the UK's votes will be used "in a way that does not prevent the EU from moving ahead", according to a letter from UK officials to other European diplomats. An alternative approach of simply having the UK abstain would have been potentially disruptive to the balance of power on the EU council."

So what was that about them needing us more than us needing them? :LOL:
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Just asked you whether you or your partner followed any religion in any way.
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Just asked you whether you or your partner followed any religion in any way.
I would have thought that saying that we had no 'imaginary friend' was simple enough for even you to understand...

Obviously not :rolleyes:
So, you follow no religion then? You disappeared after I asked you and the post was removed. Just thought it was strange and you were having a squeak up.
Hey ellal, got the answer to that question I asked you?

Hey motman, got the answer to that question I asked you?


thought not.

"What are the benefits you think the UK will gain as a result of resigning from the EU?"
So, you follow no religion then? You disappeared after I asked you and the post was removed. Just thought it was strange and you were having a squeak up.
Well if another of my posts was arbitrarily removed thus causing confusion/you not seeing it, then blame the mods!
Yeah. Having a squeak up. Like the school sneak. Grassing. Screaming. Complaining. He disappeared after I asked it and the post went. No red warnings, nothing from the mods saying it had been removed, no locked thread just....poof! Gone. I’d asked him a few times since. He ignored it and has given me a non answer. Didn’t have this problem when Sir Galahad asked me the same question and I, in turn, asked him. Just....strange.
Just asked you whether you or your partner followed any religion in any way.
Why, what has it got to do with you?

Presumably you are only asking it as a leading question so you can prove some derogatory point.
Why, what has it got to do with you?

Presumably you are only asking it as a leading question so you can prove some derogatory point.
I was talking to ellal. What’s it got to do with you or are you his spokesman these days?
I was talking to ellal. What’s it got to do with you or are you his spokesman these days?
It is a public forum
If Ellal does not want to tell you, it is his right to keep that private, you have no right asking

Perhaps you should explain why you need to know? -obviously it there is some snide point scoring involved.

Maybe you could explain why you have such an ignorant view about Germany? -you don't have to, you can keep it private if you choose (if it was me I would want to, keep such an embarrassing attitude private). :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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