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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
I finally have been able to start the two challenges I set myself - learn how to speak French and learn how to read music.

I do regret not learning how to read and write music in my youth.
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I finally have been able to start the two challenges I set myself - learn how to speak French and learn how to read music.

I do regret not learning how to read and write music in my youth.

One of my biggest regrets is not learning to speak a language. I'm so keen on my girls learning one
Did French for 8 years at school and had piano lessons for 5 years.

I cannot speak French or play the piano (or read music) Shame. I'd love to be able to paint (art) , can't do that either. Sadly my list of things I'm rubbish at is quite extensive.
I went to juggling class for a while, got quite good, lost the knack now
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I went to juggling class for a while, got quite good, lost the knack now

Herein lies the trouble with learning a foreign language, unless you converse in it frequently, you become rubbish again very quickly. I for one, hardly ever hear a foreign language spoken from year to year.
Shared a house with a French g/f for a few years, so was forced to learn it. Mostly slang, but gives the illusion of greater fluency than reality. I also apparently have a midi accent. So I'm guessing I sound like the equiv. of a yam yam.
learning at school isn't much good, unless it's combined with immersion, preferably in a country where the language is spoken, sometimes with business contacts, or sometimes living with a person who speaks it. Even then you need to keep up with classes.

I can't read a Russian newspaper now because I stumble over the cyrillic alphabet. Still remember some words and phrases, though. I can read newspapers in other languages, even though I'm rusty.
I finally have been able to start the two challenges I set myself - learn how to speak French and learn how to read music.

I do regret not learning how to read and write music in my youth.
You’ve also started a thread the same as mine with almost the same title. :rolleyes:
One of my biggest regrets is not learning to speak a language. I'm so keen on my girls learning one
All our kids are either bilingual or trilingual.

Along with regular travel abroad, it does tend to make one realise that nationalism and isolationalism is on the whole a bad thing!
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I do regret not learning how to read and write music in my youth
I am totally clueless as regards music, my wife tries explaining it to me but it goes over my head -she is a piano teacher so she can sight read perfectly.
All our kids are either bilingual or trilingual.

Along with regular travel abroad, it does tend to make one realise that nationalism and isolationalism is on the whole a bad thing!

I met a French girl on a little Indonesian island out of a group of 5 she was the only one to speak English. Her English had improved while Traverling. Her friends refused to speak English all through Bangkok down to Bali.

Result was they struggled. And didn't socialise or mix with a fraction of people she did.
I met a French girl on a little Indonesian island out of a group of 5 she was the only one to speak English. Her English had improved while Traverling. Her friends refused to speak English all through Bangkok down to Bali.

Result was they struggled. And didn't socialise or mix with a fraction of people she did.
When i travelled round Indonesia quite a few of the locals spoke english.. ok limited to 'English ah Fish and Chips' or 'David Beckham' or 'Man-united' ffs!
I used to mix music alot(vynil and digital) and had a good grasp of Ableton live. Just revisiting that at the moment along with a keyboard, if i could just play a few basic compositions i would be happy.
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