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So, the Covid risk to children really is tiny, as quoted.

luckily, no children have parents or grandparents who care for them and are older, and teachers are magically immune.

So it will be no hardship to a child who has a mild illness but loses their mum or gran.

And the schools will cope just fine when teachers are carted off to hospital or worse.

In my district, crematoria were overwhelmed in April, so we should probably increase the death rate but hold it just below maximum capacity.
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Talking to a shop keeper yesterday.

He way saying that, when the schools reopen , there will almost certainly be an uptick in the virus.
So , some other part of the economy will be shut down, to mitigate it.
He reckoned it would be pubs first but, if it were shops as well, he'd "be f####d".
Hopefully not - people need shops to open but nobody actually needs a pub to be, as fun as they are!
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Do not follow that idea JD.

The government considers that the number of CV19 deaths is currently too low, so is loosening lockdown. This will, intentionally, increase the number of cases and deaths.

If the numbers become unacceptably high, lockdown will be tightened again.

The objective is to loosen it enough to increase the number of deaths, but not so much that it causes public disquiet or loses votes.
we should probably increase the death rate but hold it just below maximum capacity

This is probably what the government is essentially doing, or hoping to do.

A good doctor friend (who does not support the government) even thinks we should end lockdown. He said that the only people coming into hospital now are very old and very obese people with diabetes etc. and feels that many of these people are unfortunately on their last legs anyway - if covid doesn't kill them, flu, cancer, diabetes (heart attack, stroke, kidney failure etc) would pretty soon anyway. And many people are now being treated and recovering well. But kids have lost a huge amount of their lives, and elderly people are living in isolation, which is causing all sorts of problems. Plus the economy is getting buggered.

Oh, and the Nightingale hospitals are empty.

I mean, more people will die of coronavirus if we emerge from our cocoons, but can any country afford to hold out for a vaccine?
Hopefully not - people need shops to open but nobody actually needs a pub to be, as fun as they are!

same with cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, nail bars, gyms etc. They are all luxury services that people can do without.
This sort of thing upsets the voters, so deaths need to be controlled enough that crematoria do not get overwhelmed again.

China's fast-build giant hospitals, and our Nightingale warehouses, were built to clear infected people away from public view.
same with cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, nail bars, gyms etc. They are all luxury services that people can do without.

Except for if you work there, and have to pay your mortgage, rent, or food bills with the resultant wages.
luckily, no children have parents or grandparents who care for them and are older, and teachers are magically immune.

So it will be no hardship to a child who has a mild illness but loses their mum or gran.

And the schools will cope just fine when teachers are carted off to hospital or worse.

In my district, crematoria were overwhelmed in April, so we should probably increase the death rate but hold it just below maximum capacity.
As said, the Covid risk to CHILDREN is negligible.
That will doubtless be a great comfort to the orphans.
Do you have a link to corroborate this statement ?

Which of these statements do you think is untrue?

  1. The government is loosening lockdown.
  2. This will increase the number of cases and deaths.
  3. This is intentional.
  4. The objective is to loosen it enough to increase the number of deaths, but not so much that it causes public disquiet or loses votes.
Do you have a link to corroborate this statement ?

Which of these statements do you think is untrue?

  1. The government is loosening lockdown.
  2. This will increase the number of cases and deaths.
  3. This is intentional.
  4. The objective is to loosen it enough to increase the number of deaths, but not so much that it causes public disquiet or loses votes.
So that's a no then.You can either give a link proving your statement, or admit it is a LIE.
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