Trump paid $750 in US Taxes in 2016 and 2017

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom


The newspaper - which says it obtained tax records for Mr Trump and his companies over two decades - also says that he paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years.

Watch the mental gymnastics by the RWR trying to justify the US President low tax return.

This is what happens when you get conned. At least the US has an opportunity to overturn his madness in a few months.

What Trump paid in federal taxes in 2017.

What Trump paid in taxes to Panama in 2017.

Amount paid to style his “hair” when he was at The Apprentice.
thread#showTweet" data-screenname="gregolear" data-tweet="1310554474830852096" dir="auto"> $109,433
What Trump wrote off as expenses for “silver and linens” at Mar-a-Lago in 2017.

What Trump paid in “hush money” to Stormy Daniels.

What Trump paid in taxes to India in 2017.

What Trump paid in taxes to the Philippines in 2017.
thread#showTweet" data-screenname="gregolear" data-tweet="1310554720797417472" dir="auto"> $480,000
Salary earned by Junior, Eric & Ivanka via the family business.

Consultant fees illegally paid for Ivanka Trump in 2017.

Amount paid by Trump Org for Junior’s legal fees re: the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians. (Not a legit biz expense).
thread#showTweet" data-screenname="gregolear" data-tweet="1310554847255683072" dir="auto"> $2,000,000
Losses from Miss Universe Pageant, 2012.

What Trump personally made in licensing fees from an Azeri oligarch with ties to Putin, for holding the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow in 2013.

Losses from Miss Universe Pageant, 2014.
thread#showTweet" data-screenname="gregolear" data-tweet="1310554945549197312" dir="auto"> $13,000,000
Amount earned from Trump’s deals in Turkey.

Charitable deduction claimed by Trump for owning a mansion in New York State.

Losses Trump claimed on his tax returns in 2018.

Losses from Trump’s Washington hotel, 2016-18.
thread#showTweet" data-screenname="gregolear" data-tweet="1310555038721474563" dir="auto"> $72,900,000
Amount of refund from government Trump received that is now in dispute.

Approximate amount he will owe federal government in back taxes if government rules against him in dispute.
thread#showTweet" data-screenname="gregolear" data-tweet="1310555124666896385" dir="auto"> $125,000,000
Mortgage on Doral golf course, due in three years.

Amount Trump has stiffed lenders, 2010-present.

Losses from Trump’s golf courses since 2000.
thread#showTweet" data-screenname="gregolear" data-tweet="1310555204186771456" dir="auto"> $421,000,000
Amount in loans that are coming due in next four years that Trump has personally guaranteed.

Revenue Trump earned from The Apprentice.

Losses Trump claimed on his tax returns in 1995.
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A matter for the US authorities, I don't see any particular reason for posting on a UK website, other than general trolling.
Apart from an interest in Current Affairs and World News.
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A matter for the US authorities, I don't see any particular reason for posting on a UK website, other than general trolling.

I have to say I dont understand American politics, it seems to me to be all about balloons, hats and rednecks.
I have to say I dont understand American politics, it seems to me to be all about balloons, hats and rednecks.

Its simple, who has the most money. Like our rather poor choice back in Nov (Corbyn / Johnson, not that you directly vote for the party leader) Yanks have a choice between two geriatrics, one who is clearly insane, but both seemingly showing cognitive decline.
Yes, something sinister is going on in America. Who is really in charge?

Why the Democrats don't seem to want to win is puzzling - there were some good candidates to choose from.

Trump has quite openly said he will contest the result if he does not win. He is stacking the Supreme Court in his favour and it would have to make the final decision if he does.

Trump ran property empire cash-in-hand, reckons plumber

28th September 2020

A PLUMBER believes Donald Trump got away with paying no tax because he ran his multi-million property empire on a cash-in-hand basis.

Jack Browne of Wolverhampton confirmed he is ‘pretty savvy’ at tax avoidance himself, and knows all the tricks the president uses ‘if not a few more’.

He continued: “The key is that cash is king. When he’s renting Trump Tower to Nike, he’ll probably say ‘Sorry, my bank doesn’t take checks, do you mind you nipping out the cashpoint? I can wait in the van.’

“Or he’ll have told NBC when he’s doing The Apprentice ‘Can you believe it, I’ve forgotten my account number again’ or ‘I’m just between accounts.’ Or maybe even offered a discount if they keep it off the books.

“Another thing he might have done is quote a job – in his case building a 263-room luxury hotel, in mine fitting a new septic tank – higher than it should be, then use the extra to buy kit for another job.

“And claim everything’s for business, like he does with his Mar-a-Lago resort and estate and I do with my 2004 Citroen Berlingo, and you’re basically getting all the personal use for free.”

Browne added: “Mind you, there’s no way he’d make it as a plumber. Too thick by far.”
A matter for the US authorities, I don't see any particular reason for posting on a UK website, other than general trolling.

There are a load of Trump supporters on here who are also Brexiters. I wonder how they can rationalise all this.
Yes, something sinister is going on in America. Who is really in charge?

Why the Democrats don't seem to want to win is puzzling - there were some good candidates to choose from.

Trump has quite openly said he will contest the result if he does not win. He is stacking the Supreme Court in his favour and it would have to make the final decision if he does.

If the Dems win the Presidency and take the Senate to go with their control of Congress - they will expand the Supreme Court justices by 4 if they have any sense.
General Discussion maybe?

Nothing wrong with the subject per se, but the extraneous comment

"Watch the mental gymnastics by the RWR trying to justify the US President low tax return.

This is what happens when you get conned."

To my mind is nothing but trolling in an pretty unveiled attempt at goading certain other GD users.
Have you seen some the sycophantic Trump posts by the drooling RWR on here?

Trump has been skint for a long while and not the first time.

Of course, but we all know the usual result of these type of posts, so why bother posting something that's probably gonna get locked and / or deleted?
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