Covid......... easy to protect yourself.

Stress, energy and immunity.
All linked boyo.
What makes you think you can perform the same with a mask on than with it off?
I don't, that would be a stupid thing to think. Anyone who's spent time running around in a Noddy suit with a respirator on knows that.

But that's not CO2. Also your immune system is always impacted by physical activity. Too low damages it, too high damages it. That's pacing yourself, not CO2.

One of your many problems is that you assume too much.
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Another scammer who has never worn a mask in difficult situations for long hours.
Ryler, the little precious dumpling finds shopping while wearing a mask a difficult situation. Bless.
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Your problem might be that you've mistaken a plastic bag for a face mask.

A face nappy ensures more co2 enters your lungs.

You've been lounging around on chairs and sofas for far too long with your face nappy on.
Try doing a days work with one on.

Try doing a days work with one on.
Guess you'd better ask the ICU doc if you end up there..

Thing is, can put up all sorts of links that debunk your stupid ideas, but you don't want to know. You never listen to truth, just want to keep spreading the lies.
And carbon dioxide is trapped inside the face nappy.
Ridiculous nonsense.Increased C02 level means you breathe faster..I do not breathe faster with a mask on.
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