EU unhappy with astrazeneca

that’s a nun afai can make out :confused:
You know something, transam, some times you express more intelligence than I would have thought you capable of.
You powers of observation are astute.
According to Le Pen's description she would be considered an islamist.
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I concluded that RWR Le Pen is, as usual, talking nonsense.
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Divide and conquer. Wasn't that Trump's motto?

That is how Brexit was achieved. It could be that the right wing think tanks gained a lot from it as did Trump. Significant numbers of people believe what they are told. Politically it's always been like that but there are some distinct differences that Trump's lot stretched further. Brexit added targetting as did Trump with covid deniers and miners etc. Then comes sound bites. Lots of that.
The Brexiteers are so desperate to prove that Brexit was the right decision, they're not content with Brexit, they're eagerly promoting hateful propaganda against the EU.
Maybe, it's just the hate and division that they seek.
I wonder why.
Divide and conquer. Wasn't that Trump's motto?
I think the hateful propaganda and blatant lies is coming from the EU to cover their inadequacies with the vaccine.
The EU is a failing organisation and as such the right will gain significant ground. I would definately not rule Le Pen out. Hopefully it will go back to some sort of common market.
Bobby teaboyjimetc Dazz is back from the ban then.
Hard disk crash. Lost passwords. Obviously the new PC did not remember usernames and passwords.
Had to wait for email password reset. Orange password reset is via snail mail.
All my data was safe on external disk.
Most usernames and passwords were safe in database on hard disk, which is a .dbf file so easily accessible from excel and other programmes.
But unimportant passwords, such as DIYnot not kept. I was confident that my email password with my ISP had not been changed since inception over 15 years ago, so was recorded in writing on inception. I was mistaken and maybe it had been changed sometime and I couldn't remember it, so had to wait for Orange to inform me of new temporary password by snail mail.
So I'm back, with that same look on my face. Aren't you pleased?
Blimey Bobby teaboy, if you think Brexiteers are desperate (which we’re not) what does that make the EU. Their true nature is emerging, bullying, deflecting & altering laws involving the Brexit agreement whenever it suits them.
If Boris had done it you would be slaughtering him. Shows you are completely biased & bitter.
Any decent world leader should be concerned about one trick pony, right wing, populist fruit loops. It seems like countries are seeing sense though.
That's no way to talk about Farage. He's a hero, don't you know. ;)
Their true nature is emerging, bullying, deflecting & altering laws involving the Brexit agreement whenever it suits them.
If Boris had done it you would be slaughtering him. Shows you are completely biased & bitter
Spot on.Notch and LaL would have been going Ape.JoanD would of stayed up allnight Again Pasting.
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