Johnson Sinks to New Low

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Sniping at Starmer, accusing him of failing WRT the Savile case.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour.
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Sniping at Starmer, accusing him of failing WRT the Savile case.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour.

oh u may have a point

mind you I recall John Mcdonnl accusing may of murder over that Grenville disaster
I may be wrong but
don’t seen to recall you being out raged over that remark o_O

I thought it was Cressida Dick.

dick who

would have been dick ead

well you thought wrong than

are you disgusted with McDonnells remark

tis a rhetorical question

you are not :ROFLMAO: no surprise there than ;)
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The Levitt enquiry weren't impressed that in 2010 the CPS deleted all records of the Savile case (strange that). Starmer has been clear that the responsibility for any supposed failings in Govt lies with Johnson, he's the boss after all.

It's sad and rather pathetic that he feels that any failing in the CPS whilst he was Director, and there were many huge failings other than the Savile case, are somehow **** all to do with him.
The Levitt enquiry weren't impressed that in 2010 the CPS deleted all records of the Savile case (strange that). Starmer has been clear that the responsibility for any supposed failings in Govt lies with Johnson, he's the boss after all.

It's sad and rather pathetic that he feels that any failing in the CPS whilst he was Director, and there were many huge failings other than the Savile case, are somehow **** all to do with him.

Fillyboys desperation is getting embarrassing.
The mud slinging will stick to some extent as it keeps getting reported. Fact though no Tory asked so far feels that Boris should not have said what he did say. Some now say All Ok now as he has explained why he said what he did. ;) You can guess which ones.

What actually happened as it does in some other areas the real problem lay at the police level, the system and it would seem with victims too in an odd way

Since the first revelations about Savile emerged last autumn, the number of victims coming forward has increased dramatically. The National Association for People Abused in Childhood, which received nearly 700 calls in May and June last year, received over 1,300 in October and November. The number of emails it received increased fourfold.

The number of people involved in the CPS is "a little" greater than in No10. Around 9,000 people are involved and a number of external barristers etc,2,900 of them.
dick who

would have been dick ead

well you thought wrong than

are you disgusted with McDonnells remark

tis a rhetorical question

you are not :ROFLMAO: no surprise there than ;)
I will refuse to get drawn in to your ridiculous argument. Believe what you think if it makes you feel better, but the truth is you know absolutely nothing about how I feel regarding that subject, so you cannot say "you are not".

But if it makes you feel good to think you have won an argument, then bully for you.
I will refuse to get drawn in to your ridiculous argument. Believe what you think if it makes you feel better, but the truth is you know absolutely nothing about how I feel regarding that subject, so you cannot say "you are not".

But if it makes you feel good to think you have won an argument, then bully for you.
Transam frequently makes a silly comment, but because he believes it, he proceeds to build the rest of his comment on his original silly comment.
He, and others will sometimes use each others' silly comments to build some fantastic conspiracy on silly ideas, which they subscribe to.
It's like children starting with a 'let's pretend', then others chip in to construct an alternative reality. It becomes their 'game'.
I will refuse to get drawn in to your ridiculous argument. Believe what you think if it makes you feel better, but the truth is you know absolutely nothing about how I feel regarding that subject, so you cannot say "you are not".

But if it makes you feel good to think you have won an argument, then bully for you.[/QUOT
I will refuse to get drawn in to your ridiculous argument. Believe what you think if it makes you feel better, but the truth is you know absolutely nothing about how I feel regarding that subject, so you cannot say "you are not".

But if it makes you feel good to think you have won an argument, then bully for you.


dunno what’s ridicolous about it tbh

Mac said what he said

afai recall he also said he could never be freinds with a Tory

But you believe what you like if it makes you feel better and fits yer narrative :)
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