Hate of Women

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Gareth is aiming this discrimination towards the wrong people.
Try aiming it at countries or religions that really discriminate against women.

Maybe Gareth should campaign that women should be able to play along side the men at the top level.
Is there some rule that says they can't ?

Yes men can't play in "Womens" football, but I don't think there is such a thing as "Mens" football. I doubt women would ever have the physical strength to compete against men in the premiership but if one comes along who is good enough then as far as I understand it they could play.
Its just another example of virtue signalling that corporate entities have become so enthralled with. There are much much bigger and more severe problems that they could highlight..... but they jump on this because they 'like the optics'. Its fashionable to fight for one of the popular causes at the moment, its so transparent.

Why does EE chose to portray men as 'privileged'? Why is Halifax embroiling itself in gender politics? Why did Gillette suggest all men should 'Be Better'? What about all the millions of men that are not 'privileged'? What about all the millions of men who are fantastic dads who work every hour they can to support their families? What about all the people who believe in biological facts and geno/phenotype when it comes to gender?

The point being, when you virtue signal in this way, you isolate a big proportion of the population. There is nothing more devisive than 'Inclusively' and 'Diversity'. They continually focus on the differences rather than what unites us - humanity. We are more divided now than we have ever been and look at the direction we are going in. Can you honestly say that things are better in civilisation now than they were 20 years ago?

People should focus on those things that unite us, rather than creating division in the name of fairness and inclusivity. Try telling the single dad of 2 young kids that has to choose between buying food, buying clothes or putting a fan on at night, that he is 'privileged'.

EE is a mobile phone provider - stick to telling your customers why they should choose you're services instead of an alternative. Stop with the lecture.

Most people have had enough of being preached at - one of the reasons TopGun 2 has done so well at the box office - its delivered what people wanted it to - a good ol'action flick with no (or very little) woke nonsense.
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Is there some rule that says they can't ?

Yes men can't play in "Womens" football, but I don't think there is such a thing as "Mens" football. I doubt women would ever have the physical strength to compete against men in the premiership but if one comes along who is good enough then as far as I understand it they could play.

I don't think they could. Some women are as good as some professional players. As for the physical side I think it would be tough on the men sociological as much as physical for the women.
Its just another example of virtue signalling that corporate entities have become so enthralled with. There are much much bigger and more severe problems that they could highlight..... but they jump on this because they 'like the optics'. Its fashionable to fight for one of the popular causes at the moment, its so transparent.

Why does EE chose to portray men as 'privileged'? Why is Halifax embroiling itself in gender politics? Why did Gillette suggest all men should 'Be Better'? What about all the millions of men that are not 'privileged'? What about all the millions of men who are fantastic dads who work every hour they can to support their families? What about all the people who believe in biological facts and geno/phenotype when it comes to gender?

The point being, when you virtue signal in this way, you isolate a big proportion of the population. There is nothing more devisive than 'Inclusively' and 'Diversity'. They continually focus on the differences rather than what unites us - humanity. We are more divided now than we have ever been and look at the direction we are going in. Can you honestly say that things are better in civilisation now than they were 20 years ago?

People should focus on those things that unite us, rather than creating division in the name of fairness and inclusivity. Try telling the single dad of 2 young kids that has to choose between buying food, buying clothes or putting a fan on at night, that he is 'privileged'.

EE is a mobile phone provider - stick to telling your customers why they should choose you're services instead of an alternative. Stop with the lecture.

Most people have had enough of being preached at - one of the reasons TopGun 2 has done so well at the box office - its delivered what people wanted it to - a good ol'action flick with no (or very little) woke nonsense.

A great read... your bang on.
where does the word Bint come from?

"Bint" is the Arabic word for woman or daughter. Male form is "Bin"

So it was brought into the English language during the years after WWII following soldiers being in North Africa.

Mohamed bin Abdulla Althani ( Mohammed son of Abdulla )

Fatima bint Abdulla Althani ( Fatima daughter of Abdulla )
And the most disturbing element in all this is how moderate, centred people are portrayed as far right extremists in society and in the media. I love the hypocrisy of 'Diversity' and 'Inclusivity' when it comes to anyones thoughts, ideas and speech that don't align with their own. All of a sudden, its morally good to bully, cancel and even attack that person - provided its in the name of inclusivity and diversity.
And the most disturbing element in all this is how moderate, centred people are portrayed as far right extremists in society and in the media. I love the hypocrisy of 'Diversity' and 'Inclusivity' when it comes to anyones thoughts, ideas and speech that don't align with their own. All of a sudden, its morally good to bully, cancel and even attack that person - provided its in the name of inclusivity and diversity.
Is it ironic that people aligned with this perception do not see the irony for themselves?
The silent majority (and it is a vast vast majority) need to at least begin to consider the possibility that these ideologies are becoming a genuine threat to their true liberty and freedom. Look at what is happening in Holland with the farmers - the BBC have a blanket ban on covering it...... why? Honestly ponder that question......
The silent majority (and it is a vast vast majority) need to at least begin to consider the possibility that these ideologies are becoming a genuine threat to their true liberty and freedom. Look at what is happening in Holland with the farmers - the BBC have a blanket ban on covering it...... why? Honestly ponder that question......

Funny how speaking up becomes so threatening to some.
This video is speaking up on behalf of women who want their freedom to play a sport without abuse and yet you think it's virtue signalling?

EE by the way sponsor Wembly stadium and football. Sexism/abuse regarding football is perfectly within their remit.
Funny how speaking up becomes so threatening to some.
This video is speaking up on behalf of women who want their freedom to play a sport without abuse and yet you think it's virtue signalling?

EE by the way sponsor Wembly stadium and football. Sexism/abuse regarding football is perfectly within their remit.
It's obvious some men are terrified of women. Right wing ******s in the USA are doing their utmost to try and control females just like their Islamic brethren.
Utterly disgusting.
Funny how speaking up becomes so threatening to some.
This video is speaking up on behalf of women who want their freedom to play a sport without abuse and yet you think it's virtue signalling?

EE by the way sponsor Wembly stadium and football. Sexism/abuse regarding football is perfectly within their remit.

Sport without abuse - i agree with. But calling all men 'privileged' by virtue of just being a male is devisive. It absolueltey is virtue signalling - why is nobody speaking up for the likes of Novac Djokovic? Because it goes against the woke agenda. There are much bigger issues at hand.
Sport without abuse - i agree with. But calling all men 'privileged' by virtue of just being a male is devisive. It absolueltey is virtue signalling - why is nobody speaking up for the likes of Novac Djokovic? Because it goes against the woke agenda. There are much bigger issues at hand.

Men have been 'privileged' for donkeys years just because they ARE male. Men have controlled most things for centuries, including women and still do so in many societies, world over. This is undeniable. I am sorry that you find that so hard to accept and I think that you like to twist this 'privileged' comment in the video and take it out of context. The video is about sexism and abuse in football because the women are simply women, not about a man who works hard to provide for his family blah blah. It's like those idiots who cried 'white lives matter' when the BLM started - totally missing the point.

People are speaking up, slowly, in groups and as individuals, asking for an end to the 'ism's' based on gender, race, whatever and simply asking for equal opportunities, equal respect and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that to a rational, kind person.
Men have been 'privileged' for donkeys years just because they ARE male. Men have controlled most things for centuries, including women and still do so in many societies, world over. This is undeniable. I am sorry that you find that so hard to accept and I think that you like to twist this 'privileged' comment in the video and take it out of context. The video is about sexism and abuse in football because the women are simply women, not about a man who works hard to provide for his family blah blah. It's like those idiots who cried 'white lives matter' when the BLM started - totally missing the point.

People are speaking up, slowly, in groups and as individuals, asking for an end to the 'ism's' based on gender, race, whatever and simply asking for equal opportunities, equal respect and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that to a rational, kind person.
Wokey wokey, rise and signal :sleep:
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