Can't get the staff

That would be around £400 a week, which is a good wage, is it not?
Closer to £360 in your hand based on 37.5hrs per week. Or £18,720 a year. Yeah, you're right, that's a GREAT wage for knocking your pan in for a year managing a store, staff etc. How silly of me to think otherwise.

No, we don't wonder, we know why. It's because they are paid public money not to.
Yes that will be true in some cases although not all. I'm actually getting to the stage of thinking 'so what?' So a % of our tax take goes to those who don't work. More of it gets p1ssed up against the proverbial wall on policies and schemes that often make little material difference. Chr1st we even pay around £60k a week to subsidize food and drink in the houses of parliament. Granted a drop in the ocean. My point is our tax take gets used/wasted in multiple different ways.
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Seems to be a shortage of people working in hospitality afaik can make out
Blimey who would want to
Listening to rude ill mannered whingers day in day out
UK a nation of whingers / complainers / curtain twitchers /
Complaining or whinging in some super market because they have sold out of lemons
Or trying to get a refund for an item they bought in a pound shop because it’s of poor quality

Jeez us wept
Yep. I don't usually think this way but maybe the masses are starting to wake up to sh1t pay and refusing to take the jobs.

Remember the early days of covid when everyone was singing the praises of carers? I remember more than one politician saying the pay & conditions for carers / care home workers should definitely be looked at to ensure a decent pay for what is often a very challenging job.

Here we are two years later. MMmmm, I wonder how much the wages of carers has actually gone up?

Waffle waffle blah blah empty rhetoric ... just enough of it to keep the masses happy.
Take the ratio between CEO and worker salary. I can't be bothered digging out the exact stats, however I think it's doubled or something in the last decade. You'll notice when many business people and/or politicians are asked about things like this, they'll trot out the line 'to attract the best people you need to offer a remuneration package that reflects that talent ...' blah blah blah.

I have a vague recollection of Union bosses kicking off in the 70's because the average CEO salary was 20 or 30 times times higher than a shop floor worker. Today's multiple would be in the 1000's.
What you are disputing is my stating that the work ethic has declined and that there are fewer people working. Official employment figures won't reflect that. As an example, my optician has cancelled 3 of my appointments in the past year, each time the reason was that a member of staff had not turned up that day. That member of staff was fully employed fur the purpose of the employment figures, but was not actually working. More employees are taking sick days, and more employers are tolerating it, and this is a result of the covid craze.

Have you got a graph showing numbers of days lost through sickness pre and post covid?

Also, there are 10 million unemployed (see post 146) and, we are told, numerous vacancies in all sectors.

That would be around £400 a week, which is a good wage, is it not?

No, we don't wonder, we know why. It's because they are paid public money not to.
£400 a week is not in itself a bad wage, depending on where in the country and living expenses. But it is not even an average wage.
Less than average wage for a manager, would mean the staff would be on even less. Be a tough job to motivate the people who are likely to be there through need not choice. Consequent stress and aggro levels would be higher making the managers job even harder.
Would you take the job on at that price? But expect others to ?
Can earn more sitting on a till at a supermarket!
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23 and over21 to 2218 to 20Under 18Apprentice
April 2022£9.50£9.18£6.83£4.81£4.81
Maybe if wages were better suited to the costs of living in this country we wouldn't have to rely on foreign labour at all.
Your whole standard of living is predicated on foreign labour, whether here in the UK or some sweatshop in Bangladesh or China.
Personally, i don't have a problem with that.
I'm actually getting to the stage of thinking 'so what?'
It's the unfairness of it, on the working population, that's what. I'm at the age where time is more important than money but I have to work. Part of my earnings go to those who choose not to work, so it would redress the balance a little if the workers and the workless could swap places for periods of time, or at least if the workless could provide some kind of service for the workers.

I've considered applying for PIP for a laugh. Since covid it's easier to get, so I'm told. It would be interesting to see how many points I'd get. My knees and eyesight are worse than most of the doleys I see knocking about.
What you are disputing is my stating that the work ethic has declined and that there are fewer people working.
Yes, I am. Your gut feeling is a terrible way to hold beliefs. If I say the tooth fairy exists because of my observations would you trust me that it does?
However the EU is a global superpower
Ha, ha, ha,
A superpower that is ****ting itself in case a country, which you described as a micky mouse economy, could turn their gas off
The EU will reap the harvest which it has sowed.
Just hope Britain stays out of it.
Ha, ha, ha,
A superpower that is ****ting itself in case a country, which you described as a micky mouse economy, could turn their gas off
The EU will reap the harvest which it has sowed.
Just hope Britain stays out of it.

We are in a better position, though not immune.
I don’t believe that.
Does happen Notch,
I remember working in London year's ago, i think it was, down around Harlesden, (don't know whether i spelt that right), early in the morning you would see vans and lorries pulling up and picking up groups of blokes standing outside a pub looking for a days casual work.
I'm Irish myself, the people there were mostly Irish but not exclusively.
In my opinion it was just an informal labour agency, at that time in London there was loads of work, so if you wanted work, you could get it.
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