GB News


17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
I found myself watching GB News last night (doubled their viewing stats) and everything is starting to make sense.
So much of what was said I see regurgitated on this forum from the climate, covid, etc deniers, constant attacks on "MSM" with suggestions newspapers and the BBC are lying to the people constantly. It is all really rather sad to see.

As usual, all the discussions were also completely pointless. And this is what really annoys me. At least have a discussion with a purpose other than to pretend to be doing something. But its all "the government is wrong, the MSM are the problem, scientists are lying to us" but never is there any proposal for how things should be done differently, how denying climate change will improve our lives, how ignoring medical and military threats can lead to a stronger nation. Just constant moaning and whinging without any substance or purpose.

But people lap it up. Why? Because it is easy to digest. Complaining without understanding the problem is now the favourite pastime of many people. Why learn what the problems are, when you can just copy the bloke on the TV. Tik Tok was even mentioned once, I almost spat my beer out.
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It is painful but I don't have yo pay for not watching it.
GB news is full of grifters - shilling for for the right.
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I've hopped on a few times as you get a bit of a laugh during some of the 'debates' even when that's not their desired outcome. I think it's been on air for circa a year now, however the production values still scream 'shot in a large garage by media students.'

Nigel Farage is the main man, they treat him like a sort of god.
I found myself watching GB News last night (doubled their viewing stats) and everything is starting to make sense.
So much of what was said I see regurgitated on this forum from the climate, covid, etc deniers, constant attacks on "MSM" with suggestions newspapers and the BBC are lying to the people constantly. It is all really rather sad to see.

As usual, all the discussions were also completely pointless. And this is what really annoys me. At least have a discussion with a purpose other than to pretend to be doing something. But its all "the government is wrong, the MSM are the problem, scientists are lying to us" but never is there any proposal for how things should be done differently, how denying climate change will improve our lives, how ignoring medical and military threats can lead to a stronger nation. Just constant moaning and whinging without any substance or purpose.

But people lap it up. Why? Because it is easy to digest. Complaining without understanding the problem is now the favourite pastime of many people. Why learn what the problems are, when you can just copy the bloke on the TV. Tik Tok was even mentioned once, I almost spat my beer out.
Thanks for taking one for the team.
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I really enjoyed GB news, they will report on issues no other media outlets will touch.
sadly its with a total lack of honesty

they have plenty of "guests" -check out where they come from, its often Tufton street network, ie libertarian funded lobby groups.

or they have Tory shills like Sophie Corcoran, Tom Harwood, Darren Grimes.
They have a different line of guests on than the msm, showing a different side to all that we know.

It may not be a good side but all the same it's a different side.
Never heard of GB news afaik ??

Certainly I never ever watched it
with suggestions newspapers and the BBC are lying to the people constantly.
They don't lie outright - they would get into immediate and inescapable trouble if they did - but they mislead by only reporting certain news, or omit vital details from the news that they do report, e.g. "a man died when a bomb that was in his rucksack exploded outside a football stadium".

But its all "the government is wrong,
You cannot possibly believe that our current government is doing or has done anything right. Look at the mess we are in. The government are our servants, we are entitled to say they are wrong.
F*****g news channels that don't report the news you want to hear, outrageous!
Does anyone know where pure unadulterated "news" can be found these days?

As an extreme centrist I am reluctant to tune into either the "Seig Heil" right of the Wupert Murdoch funded @r$e wipe tabloids or the "snivelling left wing scum" barf bags of the Gates/Soros funded 'Das Propoganda' maschinen.
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