Are you doing anything to conserve water?

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
The recent droughts have made us think a bit more about unnecessary water usage. Mrs Mottie has bought a bowl for the sink and all handwashing/dishwashing water is used on the plant borders. You’d be surprised at how much has been going to waste - she's filling a couple of watering cans a day. I’ve started turning the tap off between brushing my teeth and rinsing, I’m going to be more selective with the watering at the allotment and I’m not having my long showers - in, wash and out - a couple of minutes at most. If I want a drink of water, unless we've just used the hot tap, I just put my glass under the sink and fill it. No more running it until it’s cool then rinsing a clean glass several times before filling it! Oh, and I don’t flush the loo every time I do a wee.

Is anybody else doing anything? Anyone got any more suggestions?
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Same as yours Mottie- only one 'pee toilet', no flushing all day, get rid at night. With my prostate, that's about 90 litres saved! Bowls too, for when the hot tap's warming through, no car or window washing. I'd never ever hose the grass, that's mental.
The recent droughts have made us think a bit more about unnecessary water usage. Mrs Mottie has bought a bowl for the sink and all handwashing/dishwashing water is used on the plant borders. You’d be surprised at how much has been going to waste - she's filling a couple of watering cans a day. I’ve started turning the tap off between brushing my teeth and rinsing, I’m going to be more selective with the watering at the allotment and I’m not having my long showers - in, wash and out - a couple of minutes at most. If I want a drink of water, unless we've just used the hot tap, I just put my glass under the sink and fill it. No more running it until it’s cool then rinsing a clean glass several times before filling it! Oh, and I don’t flush the loo every time I do a wee.

Is anybody else doing anything? Anyone got any more suggestions?
Pretty much the same, if its yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down.
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Connected to my bath/shower water the other year I set up an 1½ pipe running down my wall onto side of garden. Quick change of flex waste pipes and I have it on a hose to water my attempt at landscaped garden I did earlier this year. It does work even if it's a bit patchy. However the worms and grasshoppers are happy.
Ignore the newspapers and, assuming you are not a wasteful type anyway, use water as you normally do; it will rain before long and you will forget about this nonsense just as you have forgotten about covid, and the next pretend panic will be here.
I was thinking of doing that purely because it forces you to think.
But what exactly does it make you think about?

Is it simply the cost to you personally, or the cost to the environment due to climate change?

Or do you think about the profits/bonuses/shareholder dividends that you contribute to for what is essentially a necessity of life?
(most UK water companies are also European/foreign owned)

Have you pondered why most European countries charge less per litre than the UK?

But maybe you've spared a thought about why grey water recycling is not a requirement for new build homes despite it being a 'no brainer'?

'Follow the money' is all you need to know!
I seem to be drinking about a thousand gallons of water a day at the mo.
Is anybody else doing anything? Anyone got any more suggestions?
But what exactly does it make you think about?

Is it simply the cost to you personally, or the cost to the environment due to climate change?

Or do you think about the profits/bonuses/shareholder dividends that you contribute to for what is essentially a necessity of life?
(most UK water companies are also European/foreign owned)

Have you pondered why most European countries charge less per litre than the UK?

But maybe you've spared a thought about why grey water recycling is not a requirement for new build homes despite it being a 'no brainer'?

'Follow the money' is all you need to know!
As usual, no information, no suggestions just pointless nit picking about government policy and shareholders profits. If you have nothing to add that is relevant to the thread title, you can just **** off.
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