Are you doing anything to conserve water?

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Tbh I'm pretty frugal with water all year round. Not trying to be, it's just my lifestyle.

Mainly WFH these days and don't socalise much, so 3 showers a week does me :)
Washing machine on 1-2 times a week.
Car washed at one of those drive through places maybe twice a year.
No dish washer. Minimal dishes that get washed by hand every other day.
Don't water my garden (in Scotland, so we normally don't have a problem with lack of rain!)
I do have a 180 litre aquarium. It gets 3/4 of its water replaced quarterly.

Other than that, it's just whatever I drink each day.

I know it can't be as granular as this, however it does frustrate me when blanket bans or restrictions are put in place. Why? Because you can have house A with 5 people living in it, using water like there's no tomorrow. Then house B, with 1-2 people living in it using hardly any water. So, month on month year on year, A's usage is significantly higher than B's. However when levels are low, we're all lumped together in terms of what we are/aren't supposed to do.
Is anybody else doing anything? Anyone got any more suggestions?
I follow her indoors around turning off the taps that she leaves running.
My complaints are met with "there are no bans here" to which I reply, there will be if you let it all run down the drain.
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I do all the saving I can, as you do, but installing a meter, hmmmm.
I have two years to go back to an unmetered tariff based on the rateable value of my house if it’s not working out for me.
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Connected to my bath/shower water the other year I set up an 1½ pipe running down my wall onto side of garden. Quick change of flex waste pipes and I have it on a hose to water my attempt at landscaped garden I did earlier this year. It does work even if it's a bit patchy. However the worms and grasshoppers are happy.
Doesn't that leave you with a pipe open to the sewer? Like the idea, but not that bit.
Living on a boat with a cold water tank you learn to turn shower water on to get wet > Turn water off to apply soap > Turn water on to rinse and I have recently found taking a shower with my neighbour has additional benefits. :mrgreen:
I am telling he kids to try not to splash too much water out of the 10,000 pool ...

Not washing my cars though, or windows, and have installed some mini irrigation for my vegetables, using some old waste pipe ripped out of the bathroom. Lawn is yellow. Might be dead!
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