Woke act comes in to force in Scotland

Good job you aren't in Scotland boyo, we'd have you down the nick..

The prosecution need only prove that a remark was “likely” rather than “intended” to offend. A crime could be committed if “a reasonable person would consider it threatening, abusive or insulting”. The word Gammon is intended and likely to be insulting.
Angry, gammon coloured right wing gentleman. (y)
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OT however related to the overall discussion around what is and isn't causing offence.

Watched a bit of a BBC 'comedy' gala last night, I think exclusively for black comedians. A woman was doing her routine, which seemed to focus in on the size of mens love rods and how they tend to exaggerate size. 'Hands up if you do this' she shouted to the men in the audience. Followed up by saying those men not reacting weren't reacting as they are most likely guilty of doing this.

It was an interesting part of the routine given how increasingly frowned upon this sort of humour seems to be. I also thought, have I just witnessed a hate crime i.e. singling out a particular group and making fun of a part of their body?

It was also interesting in that the next comedian on, a male, started off by saying (in my opinion half jokingly) how would it have gone down if he'd come on and made fun of womens love tunnels. He was in my opinion definitely half joking whilst making his point.

My point is, in relation to this thread and as many people are pointing out, this sort of legislation is the thin edge of the wedge re eroding whatever semblance of free speech we still have left.
Angry, gammon coloured right wing gentleman. (y)
I think a reasonable person would find you abusive and insulting as soon as you opened your mouth. Better not move to Wokeland boyo.
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Gamon is a racial slur against white people, woke is a slur against those championing certain political and social beliefs or who exhibit outrage against what they believe are prejudice. In the woke world it's ok to be prejudice against white men, but not if they are trans. Its ok a champion of women's rights, but not if you are "gender critical".

Under the new Woke Act of Scotland, both are potentially troublesome. Which is why it's bad law. Activists will weaponise it to silence people who disagree with them.

Read it for yourself.

section 3 - it doesn't matter what caused it
section 4 - hearsay will do just fine.
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Gamon is a racial slur against white people, woke is a slur against those championing certain political and social beliefs or who exhibit outrage against what they believe are prejudice.

Wrong. Gammon is a derogatory term for those championing certain political and social beliefs or who exhibit outrage against what they believe is insufficient prejudice.
It is so obviously a slur based on the colour of someone's skin. You call a person a Gammon, because they go pink like Gammon when outraged.

I have never heard anyone other than a white, older, man called a gammon. Donald Trump cannot change his skin colour any more than Barack Obama.

Perhaps you could give me some examples of brown people who are Gammons and why it is a tag that fits them.
It is so obviously a slur based on the colour of someone's skin.

It is so obviously a term for those championing certain political and social beliefs or who exhibit outrage against what they believe is insufficient prejudice.

Show me some examples where it is commonly used to refer to a tolerant person.
Ok I'm somewhat stating the obvious, however a bit like the Tories down south (depending on your views of course!), we desperately need a change of government up here. Unfortunately I'm not sure enough SNP voters will move away from them, especially the hardcore independence cohort. However you never know ...
Ok I'm somewhat stating the obvious, however a bit like the Tories down south (depending on your views of course!), we desperately need a change of government up here. Unfortunately I'm not sure enough SNP voters will move away from them, especially the hardcore independence cohort. However you never know ...

Best thing that could happen imo is the SNP up there majority and than get there independance vote ???

Win win situation for all concerned

Scotland will be better off ( so they say ;) )

And England would be better off ?

I don't spread fake news, I provide assertions based on a direction of travel (depending on the subject) or I simply provide facts.
What you said was that the new legislation is already in place. It isn't.
I'll post your quote again for you because you appear to be under a misunderstanding about what you said:
The new legislation stating that females over the age of 12 are to wear trousers in public is a positive step forward ...
The new legislation that pubs and clubs will only be open weekdays with women excluded after 6pm is a positive step forward ...
The new legislation banning any joke on television relating to any god and/or any religion is a positive step forward ...

No doubt some of you are reading the above thinking 'aye right, as if!!!'

We'll see, well thankfully I won't :)

There was no indication in your comment that suggested the new legislation was a figment of your vivid imagination. You commented on new legislation,
There is no such new legislation. You were were posting fake news.
Lunatics and fruit cakes have taken over the asylum :LOL:
I agree with you on this occasion.
just look at some of the lunatic comments:
Gamon is a racial slur against white people,
It is so obviously a slur based on the colour of someone's skin.
My point is, in relation to this thread and as many people are pointing out, this sort of legislation is the thin edge of the wedge re eroding whatever semblance of free speech we still have left.
I don't spread fake news,
Good job you aren't in Scotland boyo, we'd have you down the nick..
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