
  1. B

    New build garages , overhanging drain pipes

    Why do new build developers build garage walls right on the property boundary line so that the gutter and drain pipes over hang onto the neighbours property? Assume they’re all compliant with building regs but does it not cause issues if any maintenance needs doing to the wall, gutter or drains...
  2. Jgutie61

    Best way to hang a 80lb punching bag in garage.

    Trying to figure out the best way to hang a heavy bag off my garage trusses. Any ideas? Apologies if this is the incorrect place, new here.
  3. O

    Need advice for garage

    Hello, I would like some advice on renovating my garage. It is a very standard garage, with dusty concrete floor, a main garage door and a back door. I am looking to renovate it myself, however I have a few questions. I want to add resin to my garage floor, and plaster board the walls...
  4. T

    Walling around fuse box

    I'm not expert - but tried to mockup my garage conversion. I'm going to get a sparky in to do some electrics, but ideally don't want to move the fusebox or change much if possible. I was going to do the work first before he comes, but getting a bit stuck around the plans for studding above...
  5. R

    Black spots in brick mortar

    Hey all, I've just had a garage conversion; A wall was built for the new window. I've started to notice black spots appearing on the mortar surface. When I brush it with my finger it falls out. It's only been about 3 weeks since it was done and I don't want it to get worse. What is it, is it...
  6. D

    My Garden Office/Studio project

    Hi, I thought I’d start a thread here as this project is going to take a long time and will most likely involve a lot of skills I haven’t got yet! I live in a 1937 three bedroom semi detached house with a reasonably sized back garden (roughly 20m long and a little bit wider than the house)...
  7. S

    Garage extension

    Hi, I’d like to extend my garage up to the red line in the images below (including adding a pitched roof to the garage, similar to the neighbour in the picture). Would this be possible with planning permission or is there some rule around garage entrances and road distance which would cause an...
  8. O

    Flat roof semi detached

    I am after some help if possible on the below situation. I have a 1950s semi detached house and I am looking to convert the garage into livable space. It’s currently got an asbestos roof which I’ll have removed and disposed of. I need best advice as how to have the new warm roof. It’s 6 meters...
  9. S

    Thoughts on Lean to/Enclosed Walkway connecting house and garage?

    Hi All Got an interesting semi DIY project lined up, and wanted thoughts from anyone who's done anything remotely similar, and problems you ran into. I've got a double story brick house with a detached simple double garage (also brick) sitting to the side. The garage sits offset to the back...
  10. J

    Room above garage - odd suspended floor & insulation

    Hi All, Looking for some guidance. Our property has a side extension with a bedroom above a garage. We've recently topped up the loft insulation and fixed a leaky window which has helped, but the room still has a cold floor (almost like a heat sink) so doesn't stay as warm for long enough...
  11. N

    Garage damp

    Hi all, new here so apologies if I've got the wrong forum, provided too much information, etc. I've just had my first winter/heavy rain in a property with a garage built by the previous owner. The garage has become very damp and moldy. I suspect I have a trifecta of damp - penetrating damp...
  12. H

    Single skin garage stud - awkward area

    Hi there, I am insulating my detached single skin garage. I decided to build studs in between the concrete columns using 3x2, a permeable membrane on the outside and PIR insulation with a air gap between the concrete wall and the stud. I construct them on the floor, attach the membrane then...
  13. C

    Garage roof repair

    hello! Could someone advise me on the best way to repair my garage roof. Flat roof. - felt with stones. The flashing into the gutter has worn, which is now allowing a small amount of water into the ply underneath. Looking for the best way to seal.
  14. desperate-unbodger

    (yet another) integral garage thread

    I've read a lot of threads like this, but don't think I've found quite my answer yet (which probably just means I haven't found the right thread yet). I've got an integral garage on my 1930s house. The previous owners constructed over the top of it so our en-suite and half of my sons bedroom...
  15. OwenF

    Ceiling binder - unsupported one end

    Hi. I’m up to speed with cut roof construction from previous threads. Looking for advice/opinions on specific situation. Existing garage ceiling joists 47x100: 6m span on wall plates either end. 400 c-c over 3m run Existing binders 47x125: at 1.5m spacing perpendicular to joists. One end...
  16. J

    Woodworm in garage beams

    Hi, I've a garage that's in a block separate to the house. It's a flat roof and I've noticed woodworm in one of the beams. Upon looking, it appears to be in at least one other beam (2 affected, 2 not affected) and has likely been there a while (some of the beams look reinforced with other bits...
  17. J

    installing garage floodlight to 3 pin plug

    Hi, I recently bought to replace a existing floodlight that has stopped working. Original cable was just fed through a garage vent into a 3 pin plug so was going to replicate this. The new cable is a...
  18. D

    Blocking up garage door

    Hoping for a bit of advice. We have a single garage not attached to the property, but shares one wall with the neighbours garage. Since it’s too small to fit most current cars, I’m looking at converting it to an office, and to do this would require blocking up the garage door, which I’ve come to...
  19. henriquedroog

    Garage conversion in a terraced house

    Hello, I have a question that could not find the answer Googling. Is it possible to do a garage conversion in terraced house where one of the garage walls is shared with the neighbours house?
  20. bettz1

    Boarding garage out

    Looking at boarding the garage out to help with storage and possibly adding insulation later on. My question is can I remove the diagonal piece of wood? So It makes it easier to lay the boarding? Also what do people do when it comes to filling in the joists? How do you fill the small gaps?