50% of Tory voters want Bojo to break the law

Tory win a majority, enact hard brexit,scramble to do the worst trade deals, Government goes on a spending spree to mitigate the worst of the recession.

Being poorer is the new normal. People adjust and accept being poorer.

Bojo wins a second term and privatises the NHS. We bumble along.

I think I would prefer it if it if this prediction was wrong.
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It could be that the remainers who voted for Johnson breaking the law want him to do so and suffer the consequences.
you can always rely on Buffoon

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break the law :eek: I

would not encourage the law to be broken :sneaky::sneaky: ;);)

Rule of law should always prevail ;)

innocent till proven guilty ;) well in the UK any way

France guilty to proven innocent , then again what does one expect from the French ;)

Macron may well veto any extension to Brexit :LOL: