A question to the pro Europeans.

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28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
There are just three pro Europeans in this forum.

They are:

JohnD, megawatt, and securespark.

I would like them to give their reasons. They never have. Not on any occasion have any of them ever told us why they are so strongly pro-European.

Here's your chance to tell us so that we too can share in the dream of a socially joined-up Europe.

Over to you.
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This is a thread about the upside. Start a new thread and I'll tell you.
"the dream of a socially joined-up Europe"

In my lifetime, millions also had that dream but, they had to give their lives so that we could live in a free society.

"There are just three pro Europeans in this forum"

Not true because, if you know of three others, I make a fourth.
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Whats a "pro European" ??

Is it like a French prossy?

Can I be an"Am European" ?
This is a thread about the upside. Start a new thread and I'll tell you.
Why do we need a thread about the upsides of a socially harmonised europe? I'm sure the benefits are obvious to anyone that cares to give it even the most cursory consideration.
Tell us about them then. Why is everyone else so anti-Europe?
"the dream of a socially joined-up Europe"

In my lifetime, millions also had that dream but, they had to give their lives so that we could live in a free society.

"There are just three pro Europeans in this forum"

Not true because, if you know of three others, I make a fourth.

Now tell us why.
See what I mean? - Absolutely clueless as to why he supports pro Europe.
Watchmaker said,

so that we could live in a free society.

How can we be living in a free society when we are having laws imposed on us by unelected politicians from another country/countries. The Irish voted No to the Constitution (Lisbon Treaty) in a democratic referendum, but because the result didn't please the Gestapo in Brusseldorf, they will more than likely be asked to vote again and again until the result is Yes.... (Never I hope)..... Nobody is anti European, but what we don't want is to loose our identity as a country, and have the ability to make our own laws and control our own borders. Let's not forget the vast number of people who died over the centuries keeping this country British. If this was a free society, we should all be entitled to have our say on how far we should go down the road to a Federal Europe. This is now far enough for me.

I've only just noticed this thread and the start post from Joe-lie,lie,lie-90

There are just three pro Europeans in this forum.
They are:
JohnD, megawatt, and securespark.
Well that's really news to me as I most certainly am NOT in favour of becoming part of the state of Europe and have posted many many times to make the point for not doing so.

I would like them to give their reasons. They never have. Not on any occasion have any of them ever told us why they are so strongly pro-European.
Errrmmmm ... Because I'm not :rolleyes:

Here's your chance to tell us so that we too can share in the dream of a socially joined-up Europe.
Once more, cerebrally challenged Josef has taken my stance on immigration to mean that I am pro-EU as he doesn't understand the fact that are not the same thing at all.

Over to you.
Errmmm ... No Josef, actually its over to you to explain to everyone why you have made up yet another load of nonsense in an attempt to perpetuate your obscure view of the World.

Please show me the posts I have made which give any indication at all (no matter how slight) that I am pro the superstate of Europe.

To quote Coco ... He won't ... Because ... It isn't true :rolleyes:

I would like to take this opportunity to ask that Coco the Clown's ( the most famous one in the UK Nicolai Poliakoff) name isn't taken in vain any more, I met him years ago both made up as a clown and without and found him to be extremely nice, caring and a real gentleman. and he was born in Latvia so the immigrant tag is all the more displeasing.
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