Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson

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get what done?

hard brexit
sorry cant be done.

you were sold lies, there are no brexit benefits, so the benefits you think will materialise, wont.

Time will prove me right.
no FTA with EU
no trade deal with US without UK losing out
no benefits
Tory + Brexit Party = 45.6%

Labour + Lib Dem + SNP + Green = 50.3%
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get what done?

hard brexit
sorry cant be done.

you were sold lies, there are no brexit benefits, so the benefits you think will materialise, wont.

Time will prove me right.
no FTA with EU
no trade deal with US without UK losing out
no benefits

I believe we will get a hard Brexit and any effect on the economy will be blamed on the EU for giving us a hard Brexit and not a deal. The pain will be seen as temporary and no time to give up - a few mentions of the war will stiffen any waivers.

Just look across to the US and see how toxic their politics has become and how people who depend on state help just to survive will vote for a party that will end all their help.
Tory + Brexit Party = 45.6%

Labour + Lib Dem + SNP + Green = 50.3%

What the fck are you on about NHS armchair expert let's translate this:

You know those loser parties that lost, collectively they could only just beat the winning party combined ...awesome stats.
Will the last Brexit poster please close the door on the way out. Bye
Tory + Brexit Party = 45.6%

Labour + Lib Dem + SNP + Green = 50.3%
It aint PR Gal....
Wrong country...wrong system....""Its the system...its the papers ..its media fault""..No ...remain is lost.gone...Like Corbyn.
Time to deliver Brexit and own it. Sit back and relax when you can't afford medical bills.

3 years has shown you are not right on many predictions . Spout enough you are bound to be correct on something.

I have never made predictions.

Brexit will mean a loss of control. Fact.

But then I know you cant see beyond 3 word soundbites.
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