Am I going to be sued ?

I was talking to the OP - not interested in your silly squabble. I don't believe a word you write.
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I was talking to the OP - not interested in your silly squabble. I don't believe a word you write.

Not interested ?
how come you mentioned Mexico then ?.

Joe-- why do you have to insult people ?.

$ weeks or so ago- you were posting your DIYNOT obituary on here --obviously after you 'overstepped the mark-'AGAIN'..
If I were you-- I would thank the MODS for giving you a 'defib' .

Try and cut out your path to destruction and isolation.

I have- and to be honest--it feels good .

Happy to help' PP. :)
Do you have mental health issues? I honestly don't know what the fook you are rambling on about. :confused:
He must have been a cowboy all along then. Why else would he stump up?

joe, that's despicable.

Yes. Your admitting your own work is sub standard. Even though it may not be.

It does not mean that at all. I think that's mean.

It is possible to make payments in cases like this without any admission of guilt. It happens all the time, even in high profile cases where hospitals are being sued for medical negligence.

I'm not speaking for mkb at all, but if it were me, I'd have wanted the woman off my back a long long time ago and I'd have been tempted to pay up just do get rid of her. That's what she was banking on, after all.

You obviously have never been unfortunate enough to be in a similar position. Don't you dare scoff and say "I would never be in that position because my workmanship is excellent": anyone can get caught in a trap like this, even people whose work is faultless. Yes, the complainant may well not have a leg to stand on, but if they are mad enough (and the ones who take good jobs to court are, they make stuff up and turn a good job into a bad one), they will take it to court and they rely on piling pressure on the good innocent tradesman and rely on them caving in before the date and paying up out of court.

So, I think he's done extremely well to get this far without having a nervous breakdown and I think you're being very unfair having a go at him.

Go back to the first post and read what he wrote. The house has a cat inside and damaged the paint work and probably damaged the paper also.

It wasn't his job to fix that for free. He offered himself up as a charitible fellow and was duly shafted. It happens every day.

If you wired my shed and my jack russell chewed up the conduiting severly would you strip it all off and replace it?
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I know what was written. Forget all about the job. What I'm getting at is that it is unfair to suggest that any money offered is an admission of guilt: it is not.

There is precedence set in many a case where money has been offered with no admission of guilt or liability.
It's unfair but its the truth.
She had him on the run after doing his charity work. So it was too late by the time he posted here!
Mediation is a means to end a costly dispute without the blame or liability being thrust onto any particular persons shoulders .
It means the end result is neutral.
NO blame attatched to any party.
The Buck stops here . DONE- DUSTED AND CONSIGNED TO ROOM 101.
It is a means to a end .

It is also a relief a to all parties involved . Because despite what people think about small claims court- it is a system which just DOES NOT WORK.
it is a system that frees up the courts time and chucks the costs onto the complainant and the other party. FOC to the courts ..

I feel for the OP -- I understand his stress factor --IT IS HORRIBLE.
He will take a long time to get it out of his system indeed.

It really is such a shame that honest people have to go through all these ordeals because of manure heads .
How do you know he's telling us the complete truth? He may well be a bodge artist that is nowhere near as talented as he thinks he is.
How do you know he's telling us the complete truth? He may well be a bodge artist that is nowhere near as talented as he thinks he is.

We dont know . Just like we dont know you are a kosher also.

Sometimes you just have to believe someone .

Hey joe-- do you know how small claims court judgements are judged ?

No- of course you dont .

Thety are judged on the balance of probabilities.. NOT- like a usual criminal court.
It is judged on what the judge considers 'who is 'MORE LIKELY' telling the truth '.
jUST TO LET YOU KNOW -- I used to have a opinion on judges and always thought they were 'out of touch' with the real world.
My opinion changed totally at the small claims hearing .
The judge was as sharp as a razor. He obviously had seen it all before many many many times.
He had the debtor summed up before we got into the courtroom .

THEY just know . Do not underestimate the judge .
I thought I was smart - but- I have several notches to rise up to to get to his level.
Forget this DIYNOT chatty legal experts thing. We are well behind the real judges .
Lesson learned --and back to UNI for me .
How do you know he's telling us the complete truth? He may well be a bodge artist that is nowhere near as talented as he thinks he is.

Crawl back under your stone matey boy.

If mkb were a bodge artist (as you so eloquently put it) why would he bother put right the cat damage?

You make no sense at all.
Stupid cat. At least a dog would have known not to walk on wet paint.
I'll bet it was clawing the paper too. :mrgreen:
How do you know he's telling us the complete truth? He may well be a bodge artist that is nowhere near as talented as he thinks he is.

Crawl back under your stone matey boy.

If mkb were a bodge artist (as you so eloquently put it) why would he bother put right the cat damage?

You make no sense at all.

Worra dopey tool - there are PHOTOS of his crap work - that's what it's all about. Expert witness found huge number of faults. Get over it mate - he's a bodge artist that got caught out.
AFAICT it was a really rough surface.

The lady paid the bill with no hint of complaint.

If he were a bodge artist, do you think she'd have done that?

In fact, add up her behaviour all through this sorry affair: it does not stack up in her favour does it?
Stupid cat. At least a dog would have known not to walk on wet paint.
I'll bet it was clawing the paper too. :mrgreen:

I would say it was the stupid home owner for painting his house whilst the poor little moggy was loose and wondering about, and then using wrong type of wallpaper, as some cats luv to tear these apart! You wouldn't put a wall paper with mice print all over would you? :p
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