
Johnson made a rousing speech
Rallied the troops
And boosted moral

Upset the snow flakes but who cares I say

Parliament v democracy


No surrender :LOL:
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He wont surrender, apparently.
That's up to Boris and his conscience and his love of ditches. However, he repeatedly said he would get a deal and that he wants one. When do you think he will actually begin the process of getting one?
Ive just listened to exactly what Paula Sherriff said in her exchange with Johnson.

She uttered not a single insult.

Maybe she's learnt to wind her neck in after going on record threatening to stab Jeremy Corbyn.

She also came out with some ball cocks a while back about mid wives in her constituency that was proven to be false

She's another socialist buffoon :LOL:
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Boris is simply a sociopathic thug...

He is inciting further hatred in a country irrevocably split...

And his quitter foot soldiers seem to love the chaos!

It ain't gonna end well!

Oh the utter irony... you people in favour of remain (note i have only ever referred to remain people here politely no nicknames) talk about inciting further hatred and shock about the language used.

Joe - Libdems FIRST EVER WOMAN LEADER Swinson and her posse recently wore yellow t-shirts with *******s to Brexit do you remember that? Oh is that ok to brush aside the opinion of the majority with such inflammatory words? Nothing... was said. But now all a sudden 'the tone of Brexit has taken a turn for the worse'

Honestly it's such desperate times. Now we have it all again on BBC this morning, using Jo Cox's name to try and silence the debate of Brexit now. I hear comments of 'he (Boris)used aggressive and bad language' really?

Shall i repeat what he said and the tone it was delivered. The message there was about getting Brexit done.. moving on not fighting. I feel that was far less inflammatory against saying *******s to remain or *******s to the no deal agreement, instead yes he used the term 'surrender'.

Utter hypocrisy playing the desperate game.

Ellal if you feel passionate about the loss of JCox why dont you remove the inflammatory hatred inciting '****** to brexit' from your signature ???

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Ellal if you feel passionate about the loss of JCox why dont you remove the inflammatory hatred inciting '****** to brexit' from your signature ???
Oh dear, oh dear...

Someone doesn't quite get it :rolleyes:

But hey, maybe you're like cummings...

Enjoying the division/chaos that he and bojo are currently causing in the hunt for something that doesn't exist?
wore yellow t-shirts with *******s to Brexit

Making it clear to the EU that your party is against Brexit is not the same as being rude to individuals. Two totally different things.
FIRST EVER WOMAN LEADER Swinson and her posse recently wore yellow t-shirts with *******s to Brexit do you remember that? Oh is that

Thats not inciting hatred is it?

And the Lib Dems having done anythkng unlawful.
Oh dear, oh dear...

Someone doesn't quite get it :rolleyes:

But hey, maybe you're like cummings...

Enjoying the division/chaos that he and bojo are currently causing in the hunt for something that doesn't exist?

There you have it... somebody doesn't get it, oh the irony. Its like a conversation with a Jehovahs Witness, they just dont see the other side. Oh well!
Making it clear to the EU that your party is against Brexit is not the same as being rude to individuals. Two totally different things.
Quitters don't get it...

They are strutting around saying 'Yah boo, you lost, blah blah blah'

In their ignorance they just can't understand why remainers don't want to be pulled over that cliff by them!
Honestly it's such desperate times. Now we have it all again on BBC this morning, using Jo Cox's name to try and silence the debate of Brexit now. I hear comments of 'he (Boris)used aggressive and bad language' really

You do love writing drivel, dont you.

The reason for the outburst by Paula Sherriff was because she and others have received death threats and abuse - using the same words that Johnson has said.
Johnson is inciting hatred and female MPs are scared.

Paula Sherriff has the adjacent constituency to Jo Cox and not surprisingly she realises the danger of inciting hatred.

But you dont care, you are an angry Brexiteer with no compassion or morals
Its like a conversation with a Jehovahs Witness, they just dont see the other side.
Well it appears Brexiteers and Jehovahs Witnesses have a lot in common - 'blind faith' in a freakish cult!
Making it clear to the EU that your party is against Brexit is not the same as being rude to individuals. Two totally different things.

But of course.. maybe they should just change their logo to Humbug to Brexit?

Until everyone gets rid of this football pitch mentality of us and them 'the opposition' etc, we will never resolve these issues. I completely get what the likes of J Cox felt about coming together and not escalating confrontation, but there was some shouting from many members across the other side. I agree not acceptable both sides. But please dont drag her name into this. Its desperation.
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