Cameron gets tough on benefit cheats !!!!

Yes David Cameron will start with his own house

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Benefits here can be a lot better and at the level of a real wage.

Only if you are a single parent or if you get DLA and Income Support.

For the average single person or couple with or without kids, the amount of benefit paid is not enough to live on.
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if you have money, you have health insurance, no NHS back up,
I hope you will be offended if I say that is a load of bolloks.

At one time I was well paid, had PHI, felt unwell, collapsed while driving to a doctor's appointment, hit a tree.

Was cut out of the car by a dozen firemen, ambulance and doctor attended at the roadside, helicopter landed on the road and rushed me to major regional hospital, had major surgery, spent a week in ITU and a month in hospital.

That was all paid for out of taxes (mine and yours). But the swindling tax-evaders didn't pay, and would still have got the same public service benefits without question. My PHI picked up the tab later for my recuperation and ongoing care..

I don't begrudge the taxes I pay. Do you? Or are you a swindling crook who is too dishonest to pay his share?
Most ppl on benefits are parasitic vermin, and deserve to be shot. Tax avoiders are not in the same league ffs, at least they work and are not a burden.
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@ BigTone

I'm not sure I understand your point here. In the US, your unemployment benefits are very low, so any job is likely to be above that.

Benefits here can be a lot better and at the level of a real wage.

Are you suggesting benefits should be reduced to give "the incentive to work " ?\
I don’t know what the current level of benefits are set at but they should only be enough to allow basics like food warmth etc. Being in work, any kind of work, should springboard you into a different league where you should be able to have some social life and not just exist solely for the purpose of going to work.

I don’t know how it is for a single guy here in the UK but going back many years I had a brief spell of unemployment once for a short time, and very austere it was too I can tell you. Fortunately, because I have a trade I was able to find employment which afforded me a car and some small luxuries so I wasn’t on the bread line anymore. That’s how it should be; not just a little better off than being unemployed but something which gives you your life back.

I don't really understand this tax evasion rather than benefits fraud discussion . There are different depts and enogh civuil servants to deal with both.
Tax evasion is getting something for nothing; just like the benefit scroungers only on a much larger scale. I don’t understand why someone would get so bent out of shape over the much smaller drain on our taxes when there are much bigger fish to fry? You would, or should, be far more concerned about someone pinching pounds from your pocket than pennies.

As far as the comment about only a moron would inform on somebody just making a few extra quid, what about today's news that there are 900,000 claimants who have been "sick" for more than 10 years without interruption ( in this context as far as I understand that does not mean someone suffering from permanent disability )
They should be held to account. I’m not suggesting for a minute that they should be allowed to get away with it, far from. We don’t know the reasons behind it and how many are ‘faking it’ form those who are genuine.

We need to catch the sharks, not the dolphins…
A chap that drinks in our local, occasionally, had to have one leg off at the knee. After a few years, someone at the Benefits Agency deemed him fully fit and capable of working again. Because of ulcers on the operation site, he was confined to a wheelchair and his surgeon/doctor advised against having a prosthetic limb fitted. Yet some pleb sitting behind a desk still deemed him fit for work.
The same chap has now lost his other leg (due to diabetes). I wonder what they think he's capable of doing now??
how many legs do you need to sit behind a desk?
although these seem very large figures[and they are]
various goverments over the years have tried to save money by tackling fraud

the truth is most options have cost far more than they have saved somtimes as bad as £1000 lost for ever £10 saved
I think doing nothing is not option, might cost to start with but I would've thought in the long will outweigh the cost.
..........this chap could be sitting behind a desk.....doing office work, answering the phone, computer programming....the list is endless......being disabled doesnt mean you're on the work scrap heap!......

ha! johnd beat me to it!....great minds!!
he could even get a highly-paid job as a forum moderator! have to be in a wheelchair to be a Mod??.....isnt that discrimination??.....
if you have money, you have health insurance, no NHS back up,
I hope you will be offended if I say that is a load of bolloks.

At one time I was well paid, had PHI, felt unwell, collapsed while driving to a doctor's appointment, hit a tree.

Was cut out of the car by a dozen firemen, ambulance and doctor attended at the roadside, helicopter landed on the road and rushed me to major regional hospital, had major surgery, spent a week in ITU and a month in hospital.

That was all paid for out of taxes (mine and yours). But the swindling tax-evaders didn't pay, and would still have got the same public service benefits without question. My PHI picked up the tab later for my recuperation and ongoing care..

I don't begrudge the taxes I pay. Do you? Or are you a swindling crook who is too dishonest to pay his share?

I am hoping that you are not suggesting this is a common thing that happens.
In that situation I would have been moved to a private hospital in the first possible instance and my local ambulance is a charity and not government funded.

However, let's stop dealing with silly invented senarios after all most hospital beds and doctors surgeries are taken up by walk in patients not emergency A+E.

We have to be clear here, there is tax avoidance, which is fine by me, it is legal and fair and then there is tax evasion, which is illegal.

I however see a big difference between the crime of paying less tax than you are meant to and stealing money that was never yours from the state while giving nothing back.

Who is worse? Someone who pays 35p for a 50p chocolate bar, or someone that steals the chocolate bar?

If you cannot see the difference, i'd suggest you are pretty bias.
Tax evaders are parasitic vermin

Parasitic suggests that they take without giving.
However, the crime is giving less than wanted. It doesn't suggest they take anything so your use of the word parasitic is completely wrong.
Maybe..'unproductive' or 'inefficient money cows' would be a better term?
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