Can you imagine if Jeremy was PM now !!!!!!!

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Well he was a school teacher and has children of his own..but anyway...
Perhaps Professor Carapetis will convince you.....
Can't stand that condescending git obrien btw. He never seems to stop twitching.
He needs tasered to settle him down a bit,:ROFLMAO:

The key words about closing schools are "it's not convincing yet". They wont know if shutting them is effective unless they actually do it. :( Yet they do know that kids are a great way of spreading flue - another virus and may as well chuck in common colds as well. I married a teacher so am well aware of that one.

The arguments used against it are that some kids need school meals to be fed properly and "the the more important aspect" people staying at home to look after their kids and it's effect on the so called economy and the nhs.

This is why things are being stepped up in stages. Crazy really as some countries have beaten it so if the same things had been done here we may have done as well providing people did what they were told. These other countries have more experience of handling problems like this and tend to be in the east.
And I don't mean Clarkson !!

Think Labour would react decisively like Boris and his colleagues ???

He wouldn't need to, as the support for people losing their jobs would already be in place.
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AFAIK, not one country has yet implemented an exit strategy from their controls.
Is national paralysis an acceptable measure of having "beaten it "?

They know they have when the infection rate goes down and not all people have caught it or died as a result of catching it. There is no exit strategy until an effective vaccine in is found but if infection rates carry on dropping ................................ only problem with that exit is needing to shut off from the rest of the world.

We are really doing well :) look at the daily confirmed infection rate

The low one is due to a change in who gets tested then suddenly it goes high again - that number can be doubled or more if the same things are required before they are tested
They know they have when the infection rate goes down and not all people have caught it or died as a result of catching it. There is no exit strategy until an effective vaccine in is found but if infection rates carry on dropping ................................ only problem with that exit is needing to shut off from the rest of the world.

So, not beaten at all, unless you are North Korea.
So, not beaten at all, unless you are North Korea.

Don't know ;) maybe Trump will place an embargo on UK or all of Europe so that people living there blame their leaders for shortage problems and as a result want to get rid of them.
ajohn said:
some countries have beaten it

AFAIK, not one country has yet implemented an exit strategy from their controls.

When the controls are removed and people start social mixing again then the numbers of infections will peak as the virus spreads though the un-controlled people. Only when that peak has passed and virtually all people have been exposed to the virus can an exit strategy be started.

The first exposure to a virus enables the person's immune systems to create anti-bodies so when they are exposed again the virus does not affect them and most of these people do not pass on the virus to others.

Years ago measles parties were a way to expose children to the virus and allow the child to develop anti-bodies to that group of viruses.[/quote]
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That's not correct. Most business interruption policies don't cover coronavirus irrespective of whether the Government ordered closure or not. The facts according to the Association of British Insurers are here:

I never used to have it for my company, but I got a quote one year and it was only about £750 more, so I had it after that.

I think I heard insurers will honour it but not many businesses opt for it.
The Imperial study postulates that "approximately one third of transmission occurs in the household, one third in schools and workplaces and the remaining third in the community."

They also consider the possibility of relaxing the isolation regime when hospital admissions drop, and tightening it when they rise. For example:

They are working on the assumption that 50% of the cases receiving ICU will die.

The Imperial study is much more respected that the original "let it rip" Buffoon idea, and also has support in the revised US approach. it is expected to result in vastly fewer deaths.

It appears that community vaccinations are not expected for about 18months, by which time I think most of us will already have been infected, and mostly survived.
New York Times:

"The White House also recommended that Americans work from home, avoid unnecessary shopping trips and refrain from eating in restaurants. Some states and cities have already imposed stricter measures, including lockdowns and business closings.

Asked at a news conference with President Trump about what had led to the change in thinking by a White House task force, Dr. Deborah Birx, one of the task force leaders, said new information had come from a model developed in Britain."

Various people have asked to see the assumptions and modelling that led to Buffoon's first "let it rip" idea. AFAIK nobody has seen the "science" behind it.
They had the Imperial man on the telly - under pressure he admitted well it's just a model. The problems with models is finding things that actually fit what happens. In this case there isn't enough info about to do that accurately hence assuming that there are 6 to 10,000 around with it. The info on how many others get infected from one person having it is rather scant. One source came up with 30% of the people in a "room" but very few people. This is probably where the 2.4 others comes from - if that's what they are using.

The UK started as they should - test and track contacts. 2 problems. The tests take too long and it costs too much and spreads more quickly than they can cope with this way. Next step, reduce testing - well one is only test people who find themselves needing to go to hospital. Curious thing is other tests are available that pick up that the immune system has or is coping with the virus. It's suitable for self testing. Not as good as testing for the virus itself but way better than nothing. Some of these have been rolled out to certain sectors. Our lot appear from a single comment seem to see it as way of testing to see if people have had it. NHS England seems to be developing their own.

What did Singapore do having been here before with other new ones. They launched a web site for people to register that they were self isolating. We could add house number / name and postcode also NHI number and later say I am ok. All of a sudden a lot more info is available without testing and knowledge of who to test while they can cope. :) 5years in clink if people lie. Ok not perfect but again way better than nothing. As medical records would also be available these could even be tied in without need to phone 111. They would give some indication of the likely hood of people who will have problems. Just have to hope that going on previous performance the NHS don't do the software themselves. Cost of this - peanuts. Probably too late now.

China - initially hoped it would go away. Look what happened. Some parts of Europe are one way or the other doing the same. UK - currently pundits saying oh we can't do what China did as we are democracy. Bull stuff because if they find the need they can and will. Other countries are deciding that it's best to go in that direction immediately / rather quickly.

The economy - bluntly must keep the tax coming in for as long as possible. Also probably NICE style cost effective style thought that already cause people to die.

:) Corbyn's main problem - not explaining just how much tax people are paying without being aware of it - let alone profit that doesn't benefit many. Also years of propaganda of various sorts.
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