Could Russia hang on a bit till we get the right diversity to fight them

So you would be happy with a bunch of guys who would prefer to bake cakes than go to war ?
As i said, exceptions don't make the rule.
Cake baker males are probably more likely to be attracted to a career in hairdressing than the military.
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I'm against positive discrimination because I once went for a job that encouraged males from ethnic minority to apply.

I was told it was more than his job was worth to give me the job.
All be it I was the most qualified

Despite my A-Level grades of A, B, B,A, he couldn't to take a chance on me!
I'm against positive discrimination because I once went for a job that encouraged males from ethnic minority to apply.

I was told it was more than his job was worth to give me the job.
All be it I was the most qualified

Despite my A-Level grades of A, B, B,A, he couldn't to take a chance on me!
old ones are the best ;)
War is the ultimate form of of discrimination.
You dont shout abuse at your opponents, or threaten to come round to their house and critise their curtains.
You ****ing kill them.
Reminds me of a great line from Aliens when the CSM orders his marines to bag the ammunition...marine says to Hicks; "whadda we do now, use harsh language?"
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If a bird in the arny can't defeat a horny squaddie wtf is she gonna do when she comes face to face with a mad Russian with an AK47.
Only about 10% of the military engage in battle.
According to 2019 statistics, only 10% of the entire military force engage in battle.
War is about killing the enemy before they can kill you, all this diversity stuff will go out the window if a real war starts.
Women have a role to play in war but not on the front line, having said that, there will always be exceptions but they will always be exceptions.
War is about defeating 'the enemy' because other avenues or processes have failed. That failure invariably could and should be blamed on the politicians. War is frequently averted due to the certainty of the outcome. When the outcome of a conflict is a foregone conclusion, it's usually called an insurrection, a mission, a reprisal, a rescue, or some other non-committal term.

If the UN was really an overriding arbiter, then the outcome of any potential conflict would invariably be a foregone conclusion and (the) war would invariably be averted.
Let's ignore the contribution from the Commonwealth during the two world wars, eh? Especially if and when it suits.

Or perhaps those countries are now better educated and see the "mother country" for what it really is and was.
I was referring to the more recent aspects of life,

I'm also not sure whether those that fought in the world wars were wholly free to make their own choice whether they fought for Britain or not. But similarly they were also fighting for world freedom..

The Gurkhas for instance are still fighting for the same rights as British troops... They've been treated as 2nd class by the British army.
I was referring to the more recent aspects of life,

I'm also not sure whether those that fought in the world wars were wholly free to make their own choice whether they fought for Britain or not. But similarly they were also fighting for world freedom..

The Gurkhas for instance are still fighting for the same rights as British troops... They've been treated as 2nd class by the British army.
In many cases joining the British army was the only way to secure a reliable wage. Although there was no job security. ;)
It wasn't meant to be funny :rolleyes: As they say ........ the truth hurts
The orator is (supposed) to be a comedian.

And it's only truth if you believe (supposed) comedians attempts at comedy.
I'm also not sure whether those that fought in the world wars were wholly free to make their own choice whether they fought for Britain or not. But similarly they were also fighting for world freedom..

The Gurkhas for instance are still fighting for the same rights as British troops... They've been treated as 2nd class by the British army.
The Indian army raised were entirely volunteers. The impression given is that they wanted to.

A Gurkha received an army pension that allowed them to live pretty well where they come from. Not 100% sure but my understanding is that their problem is choosing to live in the UK.

I have known several people who have retired from the forces. All I have known also have some sort of job to supplement their income. Pass - may relate to how long they served. I have no idea about that at all.
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