Cycling the wrong way down the street

16 Jun 2006
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United Kingdom
In their infinite wisdom, Ealing council have decided that car drivers are no longer allowed to do a left turn in to Gordon Road from the one way Springbridge Road.


Today I notice that the would be left turn has become a "pop up bicycle lane". Fair enough, but it seems to direct cyclists exiting Gordon Road on to Springbridge to turn right (in to the oncoming one way traffic).


Is cycling in the wrong direction now an official "thing"? Note: there is no cycle lane on Springbridge Road (incidentally it is the road that once was home to the pet shop that inspired the name of the band the Pet Shop Boys).
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In Deeside North Wales the cycle route is bi-directional but rest of traffic is one way. Can see why, following the one way route would take cyclists around a dangerous roundabout. But there is no writing, just cycle route signs through the industrial estate.

I blamed Flintshire Council, as they also through Shotton have enforced cycle route (round signs) on raised pavement, but signs saying non cycling on walkway.

I think some one forgot to put up end of cycle route signs, but may be they couldn"t as a national cycle route?

Also between Ewlow and Mold the cycle route is so the cyclist can't see traffic lights, not pedestrian or cyclist repeater.

At least cyclist are seprate from motorist, here in Mid Wales armaco barriers mean cyclist are trapped between motor transport and steel, neither very forgiving. Better pushed into hedge than steel barrier, they should be banned.
(incidentally it is the road that once was home to the pet shop that inspired the name of the band the Pet Shop Boys).

Awww, bless. Pet shopping in their world means something entirely less innocent !
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Awww, bless. Pet shopping in their world means something entirely less innocent !

Fair play.

As it happens, the less famous one in the group worked in the (now gone) pet shop on Springbridge Road. I went to school in the area, my teacher once mentioned that Neil Tennant used to baby sit her kids.