Do as I say, not as I do.

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The story I heard (and I cant verify this) is that this company is Chinese and manufactured on behalf of Makita, when they lost the contract, they just carried on making them and sold through Amazon or Ebay.

I know they do this in the fashion world, Chinese factories lose the licence but still carry on making tee shirts and sell on Ebay or Amazon.

It looks remarkably like a Makita. You can't buy spares for it, but if the motor packs up, or new brushes are required, you simply buy 'Makita parts'.
The story I heard (and I cant verify this) is that this company is Chinese and manufactured on behalf of Makita, when they lost the contract, they just carried on making them and sold through Amazon or Ebay.

Actually that sort of thing is true but in some cases the Chinese part will be deliberately made cheaper. At one point China wasn't so good at making "good stuff" but now they are capable. As a lot of stuff anyway is made there the main effect especially on tools is that they tend to get lighter / smaller if possible to help with shipping. Also things not lasting as long as they did - we call that progress as it keeps sales up.

Taiwan was similar long ago. Cheap and then quality and living standards went up so did prices. ;) That will take one hell of a time given China's population and doubt if they will allow their own food suppliers to fall short again and will grow a more balanced economy over time. Might even have that now actually.
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China buys up tooling, so makes what the West used to. For the time being, the West still maintains the lead in some fields in their r & d. Perhaps that too will go east..

Like many things nowadays, it's the increasing rate of development that staggers me. It took us an hundred or more years to get from nothing, to industrial and technology world leader. China may do it in less than forty.....
It took us an hundred or more years to get from nothing, to industrial and technology world leader. China may do it in less than forty.....

By copying our inventions and methods from a time before the loony left infiltrated everything.
you need to seek help

OK Notch, just for you: Down with the Tories; down with Tory cuts; the Tories are evil; Tory scum; down with Tory austerity; it's all the Tories' fault; Up the Revolution; Power to the People; FREEDOM FOR TOOTING!

How's that?
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