Excess Deaths...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
More evidence of excess deaths due to the 'virus'...

"More than 30,000 heart patients in England have died needlessly since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, amid continuing ambulance delays, inaccessible care and soaring waiting lists, a report says.

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) said significant and widespread disruption to heart care services was still driving a surge in excess deaths."

Linky Linky

And that's just heart disease...

What about needless cancer deaths?

This will be just the tip of the iceberg as regards excess 'needless deaths' over the coming years!

None of course will be recorded as 'virus' related :rolleyes:
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"Heart patients" indeed.

Maybe they don't really exist and their "deaths" are a conspiracy to divert attention from the underfunding of the NHS.
deaths due to the 'virus'..

Ellal says: thank goodness for the vaccine otherwise there would’ve been far more heart related deaths as a result of covid.

COVID-19: Pandemic to cause 'exponential' growth in heart disease​

Studies have found that 55% of adult patients with COVID-19 had abnormal changes to the way their hearts were pumping

More evidence of excess deaths due to the 'virus'...
Tragic, but you need to look at the bigger picture. Think of the millions of deaths prevented by the vaccine...
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well nobody can say it's a regular common occurrence can they?

How many vaccines given?
how many issues ? Every 1 is a problem I agree.
how many would have had worse problems without the vaccines

From your own link...

, 18 of which were fatal.1 The cases came mainly from spontaneous reporting systems of the EEA and the UK, where around 25 million people had received the vaccine.
I like how they say it's very rare, you would do wouldn't you.
The usual ignorant sideswipe. You could of course post something which proves it isn't very rare. I won't hold my breath...
that reminds me - time to get booster no. 4
I had an NHS letter telling me to so used a mobile walk in centre that was just doing the boosters and only working on certain days. Turned out to be quick and easy. Seems this one seldom gets long queues. About 20min for both me and wife. :) The google map marker. Well we have 3 retail centres close together with separate entrances in a one way system. Smallest in the middle which is where the marker was. Fortunately people had worn a path through the hedge.

Our GP phones a few weeks later for just my wife and not me. Can't tie names and addresses together. :( There flu jab hasn't work well for some years, saves them contacting people so we have used a local chemist for 2 years now.
The usual ignorant sideswipe. You could of course post something which proves it isn't very rare. I won't hold my breath...
Is it Denso? Have you not noticed how astra zeneca have now become conspicuous by their abscence in the jabbing jamboree.
Have you not noticed how astra zeneca have now become conspicuous by their abscence in the jabbing jamboree.
Yes, in some places. Do you notice the reasons why?
Not just some places Denso but all the places in Britain.
Do you notice the reason why lol.
Don't think that'll be forthcoming anytime soon till they get all their ducks in a row.
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